Please open examples/example-config.php to set your servers values. Then click here to continue.'); //<- exits } // use a particular version for the examples $use_version = 'php5'; $has_version_warning = false; // check if php5 is ok if($use_version == 'php5' && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) { $use_version = 'php4'; $has_version_warning = true; } // print_r(array($use_version, version_compare('4', PHP_VERSION, '<'))); // exit; if(!isset($ignore_demo_files) || !$ignore_demo_files) { $is_file = is_file(PHPVIDEOTOOLKIT_EXAMPLE_ABSOLUTE_PATH.'to-be-processed'.DS.'cat.mpeg'); if($is_file) { if(!isset($ignore_config_output) || !$ignore_config_output) { echo 'Please note that this example requires demo files. If you have not got these demo files you can download them from here.

This example will now quit.
'; exit; } } else { if(!isset($ignore_config_output) || !$ignore_config_output) { echo '
'; } } }