path: root/doc/latex/classIsisMap.tex
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diff --git a/doc/latex/classIsisMap.tex b/doc/latex/classIsisMap.tex
index 3497d9c..9a72945 100644
--- a/doc/latex/classIsisMap.tex
+++ b/doc/latex/classIsisMap.tex
@@ -31,13 +31,19 @@ Inheritance diagram for IsisMap:\begin{figure}[H]
\hyperlink{classIsisMap_aee1953b6e46b1612c725b2da82414d14}{getFieldArray} (\$field\_\-key)
-\hyperlink{classIsisMap_a83ffdd84c385513a09e5ab523a44d6f2}{getSubfieldName} (\$field\_\-key, \$subfield\_\-key)
+\hyperlink{classIsisMap_a58d739ea1f014befdafef7035d46c074}{getSubfieldName} (\$field, \$subfield\_\-key, \$by\_\-key=FALSE)
\hyperlink{classIsisMap_a1f30d131831b036271b0a1ff6d5d9d68}{getSubfieldNames} (\$field\_\-key)
\hyperlink{classIsisMap_ae41313537e399f15ff16a4db887cf5b9}{getFieldName} (\$field\_\-key)
\hyperlink{classIsisMap_a157fffbdb6c533a66e3f73674bfd8ea4}{getFieldNames} ()
+\hyperlink{classIsisMap_a2ca9d83aad166eed936f6f9ef8df05e3}{getFullMap} (\$field)
+\hyperlink{classIsisMap_a64c7193dd61a21c1af3624152d31ee51}{getAttributes} (\$field, \$subfield=null)
+\hyperlink{classIsisMap_a57808b2ac5892d71308c629b6ae990ff}{getDeniedCombinations} (\$field)
\subsection*{Static Public Member Functions}
@@ -67,6 +73,38 @@ Check on an ISIS schema whether a field has a map.
TRUE if field has a map, FALSE otherwise.
+\subsubsection[{getAttributes}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}IsisMap::getAttributes (\$ {\em field}, \/ \$ {\em subfield} = {\ttfamily null})}}
+Get attributes based on field and subfield.
+\item[{\em \$field}]Field data from ISIS database schema.\item[{\em \$subfield}]Subfield name.\end{DoxyParams}
+\subsubsection[{getDeniedCombinations}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}IsisMap::getDeniedCombinations (\$ {\em field})}}
+Defines the denied field combinations.
+\item[{\em \$field}]Field data from ISIS database schema.\end{DoxyParams}
+Denied field combinations.
+Sample denied combination.
+\$sample = array( 0 =$>$ array('a', 'b', 'c'), // a AND b AND c OR 1 =$>$ array('a', 'c', '!d'), // a AND b BUT WITHOUT d OR 2 =$>$ array('a', 'b', '$\ast$'), // a AND b AND any other item OR 3 =$>$ array('$\ast$2'), // ANY two items together OR 4 =$>$ array('main', '$\ast$'), // main AND ANY other item OR );
@@ -116,6 +154,19 @@ Get all field names.
Array with field names.
+\subsubsection[{getFullMap}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}IsisMap::getFullMap (\$ {\em field})}}
+Get the full map.
+\item[{\em \$field}]Field key.\end{DoxyParams}
+Array with full map or false if there is no map.
@@ -203,16 +254,16 @@ Get the list of subfields from a given field.
\item[{\em \$field}]Field array. \end{DoxyParams}
-\subsubsection[{getSubfieldName}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}IsisMap::getSubfieldName (\$ {\em field\_\-key}, \/ \$ {\em subfield\_\-key})}}
+\subsubsection[{getSubfieldName}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}IsisMap::getSubfieldName (\$ {\em field}, \/ \$ {\em subfield\_\-key}, \/ \$ {\em by\_\-key} = {\ttfamily FALSE})}}
Get a subfield name.
-\item[{\em \$field\_\-key}]Field key.\item[{\em \$subfield\_\-key}]Subfield key.\end{DoxyParams}
+\item[{\em \$field}]Field name or key.\item[{\em \$subfield\_\-key}]Subfield key.\item[{\em \$by\_\-key}]Set to true if you're passing the field key instead of it's name.\end{DoxyParams}
Subfield name.