commandApplication) || !$this->commandApplication->isVerbose()) { return; } $perc = ($current/$total)*100; // Show activity by cycling through the array of indicators on each iteration $this->counter += $this->counter === count($this->indicators) ? -3 : 1; $indicator = $this->indicators[$this->counter - 1]; // if it's not first iteration, remove the previous bar by outputting a // backspace characters if($current > 0) echo str_repeat("\x08", $size); // generate progess bar $progress = floor($current / $total * ($size - 11)); $soFar = str_repeat('=', $progress); $remaining = str_repeat(' ', $size - 11 - $progress); // prefix the bar with a (padded) percent progress and activity indicator // and wrap it in square brackets, with a greater-than as the current // position indicator printf(" %s %3u%% [%s>%s]",$indicator,$perc,$soFar,$remaining); // if it's the end, add a new line if($current == $total) { echo "\n"; } } }