{$this->field_alias}); $filepath = $data['video_thumb']; // We're down to a single node here, so we can retrieve the actual field // definition for the node type being considered. $field = content_fields($this->content_field['field_name'], $values->{$this->aliases['type']}); $options = $this->options; $db_info = content_database_info($field); // Build a pseudo-node from the retrieved values. $node = drupal_clone($values); $node->type = $values->{$this->aliases['type']}; $node->nid = $values->{$this->aliases['nid']}; $node->vid = $values->{$this->aliases['vid']}; // Some formatters need to behave differently depending on the build_mode // (for instance: preview), so we provide one. $node->build_mode = NODE_BUILD_NORMAL; $item = array(); foreach ($db_info['columns'] as $column => $attributes) { $item[$column] = $values->{$this->aliases[$attributes['column']]}; } $item['#delta'] = $field['multiple'] ? $values->{$this->aliases['delta']} : 0; //added for thumbnails this should work. $file = pathinfo($filepath); $item['filepath'] = $filepath; $item['filename'] = $file['basename']; $item['filemime'] = file_get_mimetype($file['basename']); $item['filesize'] = filesize($filepath); // Render items. $formatter_name = $options['format']; if ($formatter = _content_get_formatter($formatter_name, $field['type'])) { if (content_handle('formatter', 'multiple values', $formatter) == CONTENT_HANDLE_CORE) { // Single-value formatter. $output = content_format($field, $item, $formatter_name, $node); } else { // Multiple values formatter - we actually have only one value to display. $output = content_format($field, array($item), $formatter_name, $node); } return $this->render_link($output, $values); } return ''; } }