* TODO: add common settings from video module configurations and extend it from ffmpeg.inc * since we need to have executable path of ffmpeg to ffmpeg.inc we need to have it */ /** * Define some constants */ defined('VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING') or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING', 1); defined('VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE') or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE', 5); defined('VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE') or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE', 10); defined('VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED') or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED', 20); // nice value to append at the beginning of the command defined('VIDEO_RENDERING_NICE') or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_NICE', 'nice -n 19'); // curl related data defined('HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT') or define('HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT', 600); defined('HTTP_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT') or define('HTTP_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT', 256); defined('HTTP_LOW_SPEED_TIMEOUT') or define('HTTP_LOW_SPEED_TIMEOUT', 600); // TODO : add cron API to video module function zencoder_cron() { global $base_url; if(variable_get('video_zencoder_helper_auto_cvr_cron', true)) { exec("php video_scheduler.php $base_url > /dev/null &"); } } /** * Get some informations from the video file */ function zencoder_get_video_info($vidfile) { static $zencoder_info; $fid = $vidfile['fid']; // $command_output = cache_get($fid); // if(empty($command_output)) { // escape file name for safety $file = escapeshellarg($vidfile['filepath']); // create the full command to execute $command = variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg') . ' -i ' . $file; //execute the command ob_start(); passthru($command." 2>&1", $command_return); $command_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // cache the result for further calls // $zencoder_info[$vidfile['fid']] = $command_output; // cache_set($vidfile['fid'], $command_output); // } return $command_output; } /** * Return the video resolution */ function zencoder_auto_resolution(&$node) { if(!variable_get('video_zencoder_helper_auto_resolution', false)) { // call ffmpeg -i $zencoder_output = zencoder_get_video_info($node); // get resolution $pattern = '/Video: .*, ([0-9]{2,4}x[0-9]{2,4})/'; preg_match_all($pattern, $zencoder_output, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $resolution = $matches[1][0]; return explode("x", $resolution); } return null; } /** * Return the playtime seconds of a video */ function zencoder_auto_playtime($file) { if(!variable_get('video_zencoder_helper_auto_playtime', false)) { // call ffmpeg -i $zencoder_output = zencoder_get_video_info($file); // get playtime $pattern = '/Duration: ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9])/'; preg_match_all($pattern, $zencoder_output, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $playtime = $matches[1][0]; // ffmpeg return lenght as 00:00:31.1 Let's get playtime from that $hmsmm = explode(":", $playtime); $tmp = explode(".", $hmsmm[2]); $seconds = $tmp[0]; $hours = $hmsmm[0]; $minutes = $hmsmm[1]; return $seconds + ($hours * 3600) + ($minutes * 60); } } /** * Generates a thumbnail from the video file * Implementing hook_auto_thumbnail on inc * * @param $vidfile * object with element information * * @return * a drupal file objects */ function zencoder_auto_thumbnail($vidfile) { global $user; $uploaded_file = $vidfile; $fid = $uploaded_file["fid"]; // are we debugging? // escape the filename for safety $videofile = escapeshellarg($uploaded_file['filepath']); $thumb_path = variable_get('video_thumb_path', 'video_thumbs'); //files will save in files/video_thumbs/#fileId folder $tmp = file_directory_path(). '/' . $thumb_path . '/' . $fid; // Ensure the destination directory exists and is writable. $directories = explode('/', $tmp); // array_pop($directories); // Remove the file itself. // Get the file system directory. $file_system = file_directory_path(); foreach ($directories as $directory) { $full_path = isset($full_path) ? $full_path . '/' . $directory : $directory; // Don't check directories outside the file system path. if (strpos($full_path, $file_system) === 0) { field_file_check_directory($full_path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); } } $count = variable_get('no_of_video_thumbs', 5); $duration = zencoder_auto_playtime($vidfile); $files = NULL; for($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { // get ffmpeg configurations $seek = ($duration/$count) * $i; $thumbfile = $tmp . "/video-thumb-for-$fid-$i.png"; //skip files already exists, this will save ffmpeg traffic if (!is_file($thumbfile)) { $tnail = variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'); $options = preg_replace(array('/%videofile/', '/%thumbfile/', '/%seek/'), array($videofile, $thumbfile, $seek), variable_get('video_zencoder_thumbnailer_options', '-i %videofile -an -y -f mjpeg -ss %seek -vframes 1 %thumbfile')); // $options = preg_replace(array('/%videofile/', '/%tmp/', '/%id/', '/%interval/'), array($videofile, $tmp, $i, ($duration/$count)), variable_get('video_image_thumbnailer_options', '-ss %id*%interval -i %videofile -vframes 1 %thumbfile')); // ffmpeg -ss $i*$interval -i intro.mov -vframes 1 -s 320x240 thumb_$i.jpg //ffmpeg -i superstunt_8uiarzrh.mp4 -r 0.1 -ss 00:00:5 -f image2 img/images%02d.png ////ffmpeg -i superstunt_8uiarzrh.mp4 -r 0.05 -ss 00:00:5 -f image2 img/images%1d.jpg // executes the command $command = "$tnail $options"; ob_start(); passthru($command." 2>&1", $tnail_return); $tnail_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!file_exists($thumbfile)) { $error_param = array( '%file' => $thumbfile, '%cmd' => $command, '%out' => $tnail_output, ); $error_msg = t("error generating thumbnail for video: generated file %file does not exist.
Command Executed:
Command Output:
%out", $error_param); // let's log this watchdog('video_ffmpeg',$error_msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } // Begin building file object. //TODO : use file_munge_filename() $file = new stdClass(); $file->uid = $user->uid; $file->status = FILE_STATUS_TEMPORARY; $file->filename = trim("video-thumb-for-$fid-$i.png"); $file->filepath = $thumbfile; $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype("video-thumb-for-$fid-$i.png"); $file->filesize = filesize($thumbfile); $file->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME; $files[] = $file; } return $files; } /** * Implementing hook_chcek_exepath() on inc * To check the the path is executable or not * @param path to check * @return bool TRUE/FALSE */ function zencoder_check_exe_path($path=NULL) { if (!$path) { $path = variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'); } if (function_exists('is_executable')) { $test = 'is_executable'; } else { $test = 'file_exists'; } return $test($path); } /** * Implementing hook_auto_convert(); * @param $job */ function zencoder_auto_convert(&$job) { $videofile = escapeshellarg($job->filepath); // escape file name for safety $convfile = tempnam(file_directory_temp(), 'video-rendering'); $audiobitrate = variable_get('video_zencoder_helper_auto_cvr_audio_bitrate', 64); $videobitrate = variable_get('video_zencoder_helper_auto_cvr_video_bitrate', 200); $size = _video_render_get_size(); $converter = variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'); $options = preg_replace(array('/%videofile/', '/%convertfile/', '/%audiobitrate/', '/%size/', '/%videobitrate/'), array($videofile, $convfile, $audiobitrate, $size, $videobitrate), variable_get('video_zencoder_helper_auto_cvr_options', '-y -i %videofile -f flv -ar 22050 -ab %audiobitrate -s %size -b %videobitrate -qscale 1 %convertfile')); // set to the converted file output $job->convfile = $convfile; $command = VIDEO_RENDERING_NICE . " $converter $options"; //print('executing ' . $command); die; watchdog('video_render', 'executing: ' . $command, array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG); // watchdog('video_render', 'Starting : ' . REQUEST_TIME); //execute the command ob_start(); passthru($command." 2>&1", $command_return); $command_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // watchdog('video_render', 'Completed'); //print $command_output; if (!file_exists($job->convfile) || !filesize($job->convfile)) { watchdog('video_render', 'video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $command_output, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); // _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($job->nid, $job->vid, -1); // _video_render_job_change_status($job->nid, $job->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED); } else { $file_name = basename($job->filename . ".flv"); $file = new stdClass(); $file->uid = $job->uid; $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT; $file->filename = basename($file_name); $file->filepath = $job->convfile; $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file_name); $file->filesize = filesize($job->convfile); $file->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME; $job->converted = $file; } } /** * Calculate the converted video size basing on the width set on administration. * Aspect ration is maintained. */ //function _video_render_get_size() { // return variable_get('video_zencoder_width', 640) . 'x' . variable_get('video_zencoder_height', 480); //} function _video_curl_post($url, $fields, &$output) { $options = array( CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $fields, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT => HTTP_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME => HTTP_LOW_SPEED_TIMEOUT, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE ); $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); $output = curl_exec($ch); $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($ch); return $http_code; } /** S3 API functions **/ /** ---------------- **/