*/ /** * video_scheduler.php configuration */ // set to the ffmpeg executable define('VIDEO_RENDERING_FFMPEG_PATH', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'); // set to the temp file path. //IMPORTANT: the user who runs this script must have permissions to create files there. If this is not the case the default php temporary folder will be used. define('VIDEO_RENDERING_TEMP_PATH', '/tmp/video'); // number of conversion jobs active at the same time define('VIDEO_RENDERING_FFMPEG_INSTANCES', 5); /** * video_scheduler.php configuration ends. * DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE */ /** * Define some constants */ define('VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING', 0); define('VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE', 5); define('VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE', 10); include_once './includes/bootstrap.inc'; // disable error reporting for bootstrap process error_reporting(E_ERROR); // let's bootstrap: we will be able to use drupal apis drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // enable full error reporting again error_reporting(E_ALL); // allow execution only from the command line! if(empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { video_scheduler_main(); } else { print t('This script is only executable from the command line.'); die(); } /** * Main for video_scheduler.php */ function video_scheduler_main() { if($jobs = video_scheduler_select()) { foreach ($jobs as $job) { video_scheduler_start($job); } } else { watchdog('video_scheduler', t('no video conversion jobs to schedule.')); } } /** * Starts rendering for a job */ function video_scheduler_start($job) { exec("php video_render.php $job->nid $job->vid > /dev/null &"); } /** * Select VIDEO_RENDERING_FFMPEG_INSTANCES jobs from the queue * * @return an array containing jobs */ function video_scheduler_select() { $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {video_rendering} vr INNER JOIN {node} n ON vr.vid = n.vid INNER JOIN {video} v ON n.vid = v.vid WHERE n.nid = v.nid AND vr.nid = n.nid AND vr.status = %d ORDER BY n.created', VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING); // TODO: order jobs by priority $jobs = array(); $i = 0; $count = db_num_rows($result); while($i < $count && $i < VIDEO_RENDERING_FFMPEG_INSTANCES) { $jobs[] = db_fetch_object($result); $i++; } return $jobs; } ?>