*/ /** * video_render.php configuration */ // set to the ffmpeg executable define('VIDEO_RENDERING_FFMPEG_PATH', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'); // set to the temp file path. //IMPORTANT: the user who runs this script must have permissions to create files there. If this is not the case the default php temporary folder will be used. define('VIDEO_RENDERING_TEMP_PATH', '/tmp/video'); /** * Define some constants */ define('VIDEO_RENDERING_PENGING', 0); define('VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE', 5); define('VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE', 10); include_once './includes/bootstrap.inc'; // disable error reporting for bootstrap process error_reporting(E_ERROR); // let's bootstrap: we will be able to use drupal apis drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // enable full error reporting again error_reporting(E_ALL); // allow execution only from the command line! if(empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { video_render_main(); } else { print t('This script is only executable from the command line.'); die(); } /** * Main for video_render.php */ function video_render_main() { if($job = video_render_select()) { video_render_start($job); } else { watchdog('video_render', t('no video conversion jobs to schedule.')); } } /** * Starts rendering for a job */ function video_render_start($job) { print_r($job); db_query('DELETE FROM {video_rendering} WHERE nid=%d AND vid=%d', $job->nid, $job->vid); // escape file name for safety $videofile = escapeshellarg($job->origfile); $convfile = tempnam(VIDEO_RENDERING_TEMP_PATH, 'video-rendering'); $converter = VIDEO_RENDERING_FFMPEG_PATH; $options = preg_replace(array('/%videofile/', '/%convertfile/'), array($videofile, $convfile), variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_converter_options', '-y -i %videofile -f flv -ar 22050 %convertfile.flv')); $command = "$converter $options"; print('executing ' . $command); //execute the command ob_start(); passthru($command." 2>&1", $command_return); $command_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); print $command_output; if (!file_exists($convfile)) { watchdog('video_render', t('video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $command_output, WATCHDOG_ERROR)); } else { // move the video to the definitive location $file = array( 'filename' => basename($job->origfile . ".flv"), 'filemime' => 'application/octet-stream', // is there something better??? 'filesize' => filesize($convfile), 'filepath' => $convfile, 'nid' => $job->nid, ); $file = ((object) $file); print_r($file); $dest_dir = variable_get('video_upload_default_path', 'videos') .'/'; //print file_directory_path() . '/' . $dest_dir . basename($file->filename); if (file_copy($file, file_directory_path() . '/' . $dest_dir)) { $file->fid = db_next_id('{files}_fid'); print_r($file); db_query("INSERT INTO {files} (fid, nid, filename, filepath, filemime, filesize) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", $file->fid, $job->nid, $file->filename, $file->filepath, $file->filemime, $file->filesize); db_query("INSERT INTO {file_revisions} (fid, vid, list, description) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s')", $file->fid, $job->vid, $file->list, $file->description); // set vidfile to "" to let video_upload overwrite it with the latest uploaded file db_query('UPDATE {video} SET vidfile = "%s" WHERE nid=%d AND vid=%d', "", $job->nid, $job->vid); } else { watchdog('video_render', t('error moving video to the final directory. Check folder permissions.'), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } } /** * Select a job from the queue */ function video_render_select() { $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {video_rendering} vr INNER JOIN {node} n ON vr.vid = n.vid INNER JOIN {video} v ON n.vid = v.vid WHERE n.nid = v.nid AND vr.nid = n.nid AND vr.status = %d ORDER BY n.created', VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING); return db_fetch_object($result); }