PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer = { options: { upgrade_url : PO.U.Browser.Linux ? 'http://www.videolan.org/vlc/' : (PO.U.Platform.Apple ? 'http://www.flip4mac.com/wmv_download.htm' : 'http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/download/AllDownloads.aspx'), class_id : 'clsid:22D6f312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95', codebase : 'http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab', mime_type : { 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin' : [] }, bgcolor : null, bgcolour : null }, params: { // AudioStream : true, // AutoSize : true, // AutoStart : true, // Sets if the player should start automatically // AnimationAtStart : true, // Sets if an animation should show while the file loads // AllowScan : true, // AllowChangeDisplaySize : true, // AutoRewind : false, // Balance : false, // BaseURL : null, // BufferingTime : 5, // CaptioningID : null, // ClickToPlay : false, // Sets if the player should start when the user clicks in the play area // CursorType : false, // CurrentPosition : true, // CurrentMarker : false, // DefaultFrame : null, // DisplayBackColor : false, // DisplayForeColor : 16777215, // DisplayMode : false, // DisplaySize : false, // Enabled : true, // EnableContextMenu : true, // EnablePositionControls : true, // EnableFullScreenControls: false, // EnableTracker : true, // // Filename : null, // The URL of the file to play // InvokeURLs : true, // Language : true, // Mute : false, // PlayCount : 1, // PreviewMode : false, // Rate : 1, // SAMILang : null, // SAMIStyle : null, // SAMIFileName : null, // SelectionStart : true, // SelectionEnd : true, // SendOpenStateChangeEvents : true, // SendWarningEvents : true, // SendErrorEvents : true, // SendKeyboardEvents : false, // SendMouseClickEvents : false, // SendMouseMoveEvents : false, // SendPlayStateChangeEvents : true, // ShowCaptioning : false, // ShowControls : true, // Sets if the player controls should show // ShowAudioControls : true, // Sets if the audio controls should show // ShowDisplay : false, // Sets if the display should show // ShowGotoBar : false, // Sets if the GotoBar should show // ShowPositionControls : true, // ShowStatusBar : false, // ShowTracker : true, // TransparantAtStart : false, // VideoBorderWidth : false, // VideoBorderColor : false, // VideoBorder3D : false, // Volume : -200, // WindowlessVideo : false }, attributes: {}, create: function(src, o, p) { o = PO.U.merge(o, PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer.options); o.params = PO.U.merge(o.params || {}, PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer.params); o.attributes = PO.U.merge(o.attributes || {}, PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer.attributes); var bg = o.bgcolour ? o.bgcolour : (o.bgcolor ? o.bgcolor : false); if(bg) o.params.bgcolor = bg; if(o.placeholder && o.placeholder_autoplay) o.params.AutoStart = true; return new PO.ObjectEmbed(src, o, PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer, p); }, _installed_version: false, detectVersion: function(o, rv) { if(PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer._installed_version) return PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer._installed_version; var pv = false,a; if(navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) { np = navigator.plugins; for (a=0; a < np.length; a++ ) { if(np[a].name.indexOf('Windows Media') > -1) { pv = true; break; } } } else { execScript('on error resume next: mp2 = IsObject(CreateObject("MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1"))', 'VBScript'); pv = (mp2); } pv = new PO.U.PlayerVersion([(pv === true) ? 1 : 0, 0, 0]); PO.L.WindowsMediaPlayer._installed_version = pv; return pv; } }; PO.Plugins.WindowsMediaPlayer.loaded = 1;