Required Options - width The width of the media. - height The height of the media. Optional Options - require_min_version If a minimum version of plugin is to be used you can then set an integer or string version. For example, '6.0.4' or 6. If set to false no version checking is carried out but checks are made to see if the plugin does exist. - auto_load Determines if unloaded plugin sources should be dynamically loaded at runtime. - auto_embed Determines if the plugin should be embeded automagically when the DOM is ready. If set to false then you will have to call the write() function yourself. - force_plugin If you wish to force a particular plugin type as opposed to the autodetected type. The value would be one of the plugin Plugin values, ie one of the values in PluginObject.Plugins.Flash or similar. - force_into_id If you wish to embed the object into a particular element provide the element id to this option. Note: if no id is supplied PO will automatically attempt to embed the media into the current element. - force_plugin_id When PO creates the embed html it will automagically create it's own unique id. If you want to force a plugin id set it here. - params Any extra params you wish to provide the media with. - attributes Any extra element attributes you wish to provide the media with. Media Placeholder Options - placeholder If you wish to use a click to display placeholder set this to the url of the image to use. - placeholder_alt The placeholder image alt text to use. - placeholder_title The title in the placeholder href. - placeholder_autoplay Autoplays the media (if applicable) when the placeholder is clicked and the media is embeded. On Fail Options - on_fail_message The message that is displayed if the version is incorrect, note this is only displayed if options.on_fail_redirect = false. - on_fail_redirect If you wish for a redirection if the player fails then set this to the url you wish to redirect to. - on_fail_callback If you wish to use a custom on fail callback method. This will be called before the on_fail_message and on_fail_redirect methods are checked. If you wish to fall back from your custom callback to these methods, this function must return a false (boolean) value. Skip Detection Options - skip_detect_allow If you wish to use a click to display placeholder set this to the url of the image to use. - memorise_detect_status The placeholder image alt text to use. - memorise_cookie_expiry The title in the placeholder href. - memorise_cookie_path The title in the placeholder href. - memorise_cookie_domain The title in the placeholder href. - memorise_cookie_secure The title in the placeholder href.