Meta Box contains descriptive or annotative metadata. The * meta box is required to contain a {@link ISO14496_Box_HDLR hdlr} box * indicating the structure or format of the meta box contents. That * metadata is located either within a box within this box (e.g. an XML box), or * is located by the item identified by a primary item box. * * All other contained boxes are specific to the format specified by the handler * box. * * The other boxes defined here may be defined as optional or mandatory for a * given format. If they are used, then they must take the form specified here. * These optional boxes include a data-information box, which documents other * files in which metadata values (e.g. pictures) are placed, and a item * location box, which documents where in those files each item is located (e.g. * in the common case of multiple pictures stored in the same file). At most one * meta box may occur at each of the file level, movie level, or track level. * * If an {@link ISO14496_Box_IPRO Item Protection Box} occurs, then some or all * of the meta-data, including possibly the primary resource, may have been * protected and be un-readable unless the protection system is taken into * account. * * @package php-reader * @subpackage ISO 14496 * @author Sven Vollbehr * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 The PHP Reader Project Workgroup * @license New BSD License * @version $Rev: 92 $ */ final class ISO14496_Box_META extends ISO14496_Box_Full { /** * Constructs the class with given parameters and reads box related data from * the ISO Base Media file. * * @param Reader $reader The reader object. */ public function __construct($reader = null, &$options = array()) { parent::__construct($reader, $options); $this->setContainer(true); if ($reader === null) return; $this->constructBoxes(); } }