The examples require some auxiliary files. If you do not have these files you can download them from however they should be supplied with all downloads from Google code or Sourceforge example-config.php Please edit this files in order for the examples to work. example01.php Converts video to Flash Video (ie FLV). example02.php Screen grabs video frames. example03.php Compile a movie from multiple jpegs. example04.php Watermark a video. example05.php Access media metadata without using the ffmpeg-php library. example06.php Extract audio from video. example07.php Join multiple videos together. example08.php Easy video conversion to common formats using the adapters. example09.php Shows you how to access the information about your ffmpeg installation. example10.php Shows you how to extract a specific frame from a movie. example11.php Shows you an example usage of the ffmpeg-php emulation via the ffmpeg-php adapter. example12.php Shows you how to manipulate/format timecode strings. example13.php This demonstrates how to simply create a FLV stream script. example14.php An encode/decode lookup table. example15.php Determine if ffmpeg is installed. /* SVN FILE: $Id$ */