fid = $element['#item']['fid']; $video->original = $element['#item']; $video->filepath = $element['#item']['filepath']; $video->url = file_create_url($element['#item']['filepath']); $video->extension = pathinfo($element['#item']['filename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $video->width = trim($dimensions[0]); $video->height = trim($dimensions[1]); $video->player_width = trim($player_dimensions[0]); $video->player_height = trim($player_dimensions[1]); $video->thumbnail = $this->thumbnail_object($element); $video->formatter = $element['#formatter']; $video->autoplay = variable_get('video_autoplay', TRUE); $video->autobuffering = variable_get('video_autobuffering', TRUE); $video->theora_player = variable_get('video_ogg_player', ''); // TODO : add hook_video_load API to load videos // Lets find out if we have pushed this file to the cdn if enabled. $cdn = false; if(variable_get('amazon_s3', FALSE)) { module_load_include('inc', 'video_s3', '/includes/amazon_s3'); $s3 = new video_amazon_s3; if($amazon = $s3->get($video->fid)) { $cdn = true; // Fix our filepath $video->filepath = $amazon->filepath; $video->url = $amazon->filepath; $video->extension = pathinfo($amazon->filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } } // If no cdn, lets find out if we have transcoded this file and update our paths. if(!$cdn) { //lets find out if we are overriding this video with a converted one. if (isset($field['widget']['autoconversion']) && $field['widget']['autoconversion'] && !$element['#item']['data']['bypass_autoconversion']) { module_load_include('inc', 'video', '/includes/conversion'); $conversion = new video_conversion; $converted = $conversion->load_converted_video($video->fid); $video->filepath = $converted->filepath; $video->url = file_create_url($converted->filepath); $video->extension = pathinfo($converted->filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } } // Moved to last to recheck incase we changed our extension above. $video->flash_player = variable_get('video_extension_'.$video->extension.'_flash_player', ''); // Return our object return $video; } public function thumbnail_object($element) { $field = content_fields($element['#field_name'], $element['#type_name']); // Build our thumbnail object $thumbnail = new stdClass(); $thumbnail->filepath = ''; $thumbnail->url = ''; //@todo future enhancements for our thumbnails $thumbnail->alt = ''; $thumbnail->title = ''; $thumbnail->description = ''; // Setup our thumbnail path. $use_default_img = $element['#item']['data']['use_default_video_thumb']; if ($use_default_img && !empty($field['widget']['default_video_thumb']['filepath'])) { $thumbnail->filepath = $field['widget']['default_video_thumb']['filepath']; } elseif ($element['#item']['data']['video_thumb']) { $thumbnail->filepath = $element['#item']['data']['video_thumb']; } else { //need some type of default if nothing is present //drupal_set_message(t('No thumbnail has been configured for the video.'), 'error'); } //lets check for an imagecache preset if (isset($element['imagecache_preset'])) { $thumbnail->url = imagecache_create_url($element['imagecache_preset'], $thumbnail->filepath); $thumbnail->filepath = imagecache_create_path($element['imagecache_preset'], $thumbnail->filepath); } else { $thumbnail->url = file_create_url($thumbnail->filepath); } //swftools appends sites/default/files to the front of our path... //@todo Is this a setting? Need to figure this out. $thumbnail->swfthumb = $thumbnail->filepath; // Return our object return $thumbnail; } }