transcoder = $this->get_instance($transcoder); } /** * * @param $transcoder */ private function get_instance($transcoder = null) { //get our configured transcoder. if (!isset($transcoder)) $transcoder = variable_get('video_convertor', 'video_ffmpeg'); // module_load_include('inc', 'video', '/transcoders/' . $transcoder); if (!module_load_include('inc', 'video', '/transcoders/' . $transcoder)) { $modules = module_list(); $files = array(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/transcoders'; $inc_files = file_scan_directory($module_path, '/.*\.inc/'); if (!empty($inc_files)) $files[$module] = $inc_files; } // @TODO : add lazy load foreach ($files as $module => $_files) { foreach ($_files as $file) { if ($file->name == $transcoder) module_load_include('inc', $module, '/transcoders/' . $file->name); } } } if (class_exists($transcoder)) { $transcoder_instance = new $transcoder; $this->transcoder = $transcoder_instance; return $transcoder_instance; } else { drupal_set_message(t('The transcoder is not configured properly.'), 'error'); } } public function generate_thumbnails($video) { // Save thiumnails to the vide_thumbnails table $thumbnails = array(); $vid = $video['fid']; $thumbs = $this->transcoder->generate_thumbnails($video); foreach ($thumbs as $file) { // media module is altering file_manged table with type, so if we do not consider about is then we might get entity load issue. // #1015580 // if media module exists add type as an image if (module_exists('media')) $file->type = 'image'; if (variable_get('video_thumb_save_all', FALSE)) $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT; $existing_file = file_load_multiple(array(), array('uri' => $file->uri)); if ($existing_file) // check thumbnail file exists $file = (array) $existing_file; else { // create new file entries for thumbnails drupal_write_record('file_managed', $file); $file = file_load_multiple(array(), array('uri' => $file->uri)); } if (!empty($file)) $thumbnails = array_merge($file, $thumbnails); } $exists = db_query('SELECT 1 FROM {video_thumbnails} WHERE vid = :vid', array(':vid' => $vid))->fetchField(); if ($exists == FALSE) { // returns TRUE is there is a record. $insertquery = db_insert('video_thumbnails') // Table name no longer needs {} ->fields(array( 'vid' => $vid, 'thumbnails' => serialize($thumbnails), )) ->execute(); } else { $updatequery = db_update('video_thumbnails') ->fields(array( 'thumbnails' => serialize($thumbnails), )) ->condition('vid', $vid) ->execute(); } return unserialize(db_query('SELECT thumbnails FROM {video_thumbnails} WHERE vid = :vid', array(':vid' => $vid))->fetchField()); } public function convert_video(&$video) { // load the presets $video_preset = new video_preset(); $presets = $video_preset->properties(); $video->presets = $presets; $output = $this->transcoder->convert_video($video); // if successfully converted the video then update the status to publish if ($output && variable_get('video_publish_on_complete', TRUE)) // Update our node id to published. We do not do a node_load as it causes editing problems when saving. db_update('node') ->fields(array( 'status' => NODE_PUBLISHED)) ->condition('nid', $video->nid, '=') ->execute(); return $output; } public function admin_settings() { $form = array(); $options = $this->_transcoders(); $form['video_convertor'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Video transcoder'), '#default_value' => variable_get('video_convertor', 'video_ffmpeg'), '#options' => $options['radios'], '#description' => t('Selecting a video transcoder will help you convert videos and generate thumbnails. !list', array('!list' => theme('item_list', $options['help']))), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $form = $form + $options['admin_settings']; return $form; } public function admin_settings_validate($form, &$form_state) { return $this->transcoder->admin_settings_validate($form, $form_state); } private function _transcoders() { // @TODO : think to change this to observer patteren $files = array(); // Lets find our transcoder classes and build our radio options // We do this by scanning our transcoders folder $form = array('radios' => array(), 'help' => array(), 'admin_settings' => array()); $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'video') . '/transcoders'; $files = file_scan_directory($path, '/.*\.inc/'); // check inside sub modules $modules = module_list(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $mobule_files = array(); $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', $module) . '/transcoders'; $mobule_files = file_scan_directory($module_path, '/.*\.inc/'); $files = array_merge($files, $mobule_files); } foreach ($files as $file) { if (!module_load_include('inc', 'video', '/transcoders/' . $file->name)) require_once $file->filename; $focus = new $file->name; $form['radios'][$focus->get_value()] = $focus->get_name(); $form['help'][] = $focus->get_help(); $form['admin_settings'] = $form['admin_settings'] + $focus->admin_settings(); } // //we need to move our video/thumbnail fieldsets to the bottom of our form as they are used for each trancoder // $autothumb = $form['admin_settings']['autothumb']; // $autoconv = $form['admin_settings']['autoconv']; // unset($form['admin_settings']['autothumb'], $form['admin_settings']['autoconv']); // if(!$this->transcoder->is_wsod()) // $form['admin_settings']['autothumb'] = $autothumb; // $form['admin_settings']['autoconv'] = $autoconv; return $form; } public function get_dimensions($video) { return $this->transcoder->get_dimensions($video); } public function create_job($video, $nid) { return $this->transcoder->create_job($video, $nid); } public function delete_job($video) { return $this->transcoder->delete_job($video); } public function change_status($vid, $status) { return $this->transcoder->change_status($vid, $status); } /** * Load a file based on the file id ($fid) * * @param $fid * Integer of the file id to be loaded. */ public function load_job($fid) { return $this->transcoder->load_job($fid); } public function load_job_queue() { return $this->transcoder->load_job_queue(); } public function load_completed_job(&$video) { return $this->transcoder->load_completed_job($video); } public function get_codecs() { return $this->transcoder->get_codecs(); } } interface transcoder_interface { public function create_job($video, $nid); public function delete_job($video); public function load_job($fid); public function load_job_queue(); public function get_codecs(); public function load_completed_job(&$video); public function change_status($vid, $status); public function generate_thumbnails($video); public function convert_video($video); public function get_name(); public function get_value(); public function get_help(); public function admin_settings(); public function admin_settings_validate($form, &$form_state); }