access_key = variable_get('amazon_s3_access_key', ''); $this->secret_key = variable_get('amazon_s3_secret_access_key',''); $this->ssl = variable_get('amazon_s3_ssl',FALSE); $this->limit = variable_get('amazon_s3_limit',5); $this->bucket = variable_get('amazon_s3_bucket', ''); } public function connect($access_key = '', $secret_key = '', $ssl = FALSE) { $access_key = $access_key ? $access_key : $this->access_key; $secret_key = $secret_key ? $secret_key : $this->secret_key; $ssl = $ssl ? $ssl : $this->ssl; // Make our connection to Amazon. $this->s3 = new S3($access_key, $secret_key, $ssl); } /* * Verifies the existence of a file id, returns the row or false if none found. */ public function verify($fid) { $sql = db_query("SELECT * FROM {video_s3} WHERE fid=%d", $fid); $row = db_fetch_object($sql); return $row; } /* * Gets a video object from the database. */ public function get($fid) { $sql = db_query("SELECT * FROM {video_s3} WHERE fid=%d AND status=%d", $fid, VIDEO_S3_ACTIVE); $row = db_fetch_object($sql); return $row; } /* * Inserts file object into the database. */ public function insert($fid) { db_query("INSERT INTO {video_s3} (fid, status) VALUES (%d, %d)", $fid, VIDEO_S3_PENDING); } /* * Updates the database after a successful transfer to amazon. */ public function update($video) { $result = db_query("UPDATE {video_s3} SET bucket='%s', filename='%s', filepath='%s', filemime='%s', filesize='%s', status=%d, completed=%d WHERE vid=%d", $video->bucket, $video->filename, $video->filepath, $video->filemime, $video->filesize, VIDEO_S3_ACTIVE, time(), $video->vid); return $result; } public function working($vid) { db_query("UPDATE {video_s3} SET status=%d WHERE vid=%d", VIDEO_S3_WORKING, $vid); } public function failed($vid) { db_query("UPDATE {video_s3} SET status=%d WHERE vid=%d", VIDEO_S3_FAILED, $vid); } public function delete($fid) { // Lets get our file no matter the status and delete it. if($video = $this->verify($fid)) { if($video->bucket) { // It has been pushed to amazon so lets remove it. $this->s3->deleteObject($video->bucket, $video->filename); } // Lets delete our record from the database. db_query("DELETE FROM {video_s3} WHERE vid=%d", $video->vid); } } /* * Selects the pending queue to be transfered to amazon. */ public function queue() { $video = false; $sql = db_query("SELECT vid, fid FROM {video_s3} WHERE status=%d LIMIT %d", VIDEO_S3_PENDING, $this->limit); while($row = db_fetch_object($sql)) { // We need to check if this file id exists in our transcoding table. $sql_video = db_query("SELECT * FROM {video_files} WHERE fid=%d", $row->fid); if($sql_video_row = db_fetch_object($sql_video)) { // This is a transcoded file, lets verify it has been transcoded and if so lets push it to amazon. module_load_include('inc', 'video', '/includes/conversion'); if($sql_video_row->status == VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE) { $video = $sql_video_row; } } else { // This is a regular video file, lets get our file object from the files table and push it to amazon. $sql_files = db_query("SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE fid=%d", $row->fid); if($sql_files_row = db_fetch_object($sql_files)) { $video = $sql_files_row; } } // If we have a video lets go ahead and send it. if($video) { // Update our status to working. $this->working($row->vid); $filepath = $video->filepath; $filename = basename($video->filepath); if ($this->s3->putObjectFile($filepath, $this->bucket, $filename, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ)) { // Update our table. $video->bucket = $this->bucket; $video->vid = $row->vid; $prefix = $this->ssl ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $video->filepath = $prefix . $video->bucket .''. $filename; if($this->update($video)) { watchdog('amazon_s3', t('Successfully uploaded our file: !file into the bucket %bucket on the Amazon S3 server.', array('!file' => $filepath, '%bucket' => $this->bucket)), array(), WATCHDOG_INFO); } } else { watchdog('amazon_s3', 'Failed to upload our file to the amazon s3 server.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); $this->failed($row->vid); } } else { watchdog('amazon_s3', 'We did not find the file id: '.$row->fid.' or it is still queued for ffmpeg processing.', array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } } }