path: root/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/CHANGELOG
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1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/CHANGELOG b/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/CHANGELOG
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+++ b/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/CHANGELOG
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+[0.1.9] [06.11.2008]
+ - ADDED a check in getFFmpegInfo to determine if ffmpeg is actually found/installed.
+ The value is accessible through PHPVideoToolkit::$ffmpeg_found;
+ - ADDED example15.php that shows usage of PHPVideoToolkit::$ffmpeg_found
+[0.1.8] [06.10.2008]
+ - FIXED php4 class parse errors and index examples.
+ - SEPARATED out php4 and php5 examples and rejigged the examples directory structure.
+ - CHANGED compiler in the getFFmpegInfo() data array to binary and moved gcc, build_date
+ and build_date_timestamp to compiler.
+ - ADDED raw info to the data returned by getFFmpegInfo().
+ - ADDED strict version checking and alerts in examples.
+ - ADDED canCodecBeEncoded(), canCodecBeDecoded(), and validateCodec() that aid in
+ determining how the ffmpeg binary can interact with certain codecs.
+ - ADDED example 14 to give an encode/decode lookup table.
+ - FIXED example-configuration vhook definition bug. Thanks pwnedd.
+ - ADDED $watermark_options to addWatermark(). Thanks pwnedd.
+ - FIXED gif export that resulted in a failure. Thanks pwnedd.
+ - FIXED path in FFmpeg-PHP adapter unit tests.
+ - ADDED extra argument $use_smart_values to formatSeconds() and formatTimecode() to allow
+ the disabling of smart values, ie mins, secs and millisecs, by default it is true.
+ - CHANGED example 12. Added a form to allow custom timecode changes. Added timecode docs.
+ - FIXED bug with formatSeconds() that incorrectly interpreted hours if the number of
+ hours was greater than 24.
+ - FIXED bug where vhook support wasn't correctly detecting if they were enabled or not.
+ Thanks pwnedd.
+ - FIXED incorrect documentation in example 13.
+ - FIXED use of static class detection in php5 class.
+ - UPDATED aspect ratio usage so if you use an aspect ratio the width and heights are set
+ to what they should be using the aspect ratio.
+ - UPDATED addWatermark() to allow different watermark vhooks to be used, mainly
+ watermark.so and imlib2.so. http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/hooks.html#SEC4
+ Thanks pwnedd.
+ - FIXED an error in getFileInfo() that threw a php notice and resulted in incorrect
+ data when analyzing images.
+ - ADDED setAudioChannels(), PHPVideoToolkit::AUDIO_MONO and PHPVideoToolkit::AUDIO_STEREO
+ to set the number of channels in the output media.
+ - ADDED fileHasVideo(), and fileHasAudio()
+ - ADDED frames to audio info, (this assumes ffmpeg uses 1 millisec = 1 audio frame, if not
+ let me know)
+ - ADDED extractSegment() to extract portions of video and audio.
+ - FIXED durations.seconds info that incorrectly rounded the number of seconds the media
+ is instead of accurate reporting.
+ - ADDED example15.php to show you how to extra a portion of media and then optionally
+ speed it up or slow it down.
+ - ADDED new INSTALL directions pointing to ffmpeginstall the automatic command line
+ ffmpeg et-all installer.
+ - CHANGED private vars and functions to protected for feature request of beiercai.
+ - ADDED disableVideo()
+[0.1.7] [19.06.2008]
+ - FIXED error where an empty arguments param will get escaped and lead to an error
+ Thanks mighty.
+[0.1.6] [06.06.2008]
+ - ADDED check and error message to see if the temp directory supplied is writable.
+ - FIXED Syntax error in PHP 4 version of the class.
+[0.1.5] [06.06.2008]
+ - REMOVED dependancy on buffering the exec calls to a file, parsing the file and
+ then unlinking the file. Cuts down considerably of the impact of the class on
+ the server. Thanks Varon. http://www.buggedcom.co.uk/discuss/viewtopic.php?id=10
+ - FIXED check for liblamemp3 audio format problem.
+ - UPDATED example/index.php to correctly get the current release version, and
+ remove the php notices.
+ - UPDATED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo() and PHPVideoToolkit::getFFmpegInfo() so
+ they can now be called statically.
+ - UPDATED example06.php to have the media embedded in the example.
+ - BUNDLED the Javascript PluginObject package with PHPVideoToolkit. It is an
+ end-all solution to embedding browser based plugins via javascript. It is
+ distributed under a BSD License. The full package can be downloaded from:
+ http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=223120
+[0.1.4] [10.04.2008]
+ - ADDED phpvideotoolkit.php4.php and renamed the php5 class
+ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php, however the adapter classes will remain php5 only
+ for the time being. Allow the adapters are php5 it would be very simple for
+ someone to convert them to php4. IF you do let me know and i'll include them
+ in the distribution.
+ - FIXED PHP Notice errors, googlecode issue #1, Thanks Rob Coenen.
+ - DEPRECIATED setVideoOutputDimensions for setVideoDimensions
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::flvStreamSeek() which acts as a php stream proxy for
+ flash flv files, can also limit bandwidth speed. See example13.php for more info.
+ - ADDED example13.php to demo how to use the new flv seeking function flvStreamSeek()
+ - DEPRECIATED setAudioFormat for setAudioCodec. setAudioFormat will be removed in
+ version 0.2.0
+ - DEPRECIATED setVideoFormat for setVideoCodec. setVideoFormat will be removed in
+ version 0.2.0
+ - REMOVED dependancy of the ffmpeg-PHP adapter on the getID3 library as is
+ incompatible with the BSD license. Now integrated with php-reader
+ http://code.google.com/p/php-reader/ which is licensed under a New BSD license.
+[0.1.3] [04.04.2008]
+ - RENAMED primary class to PHPVideoToolkit to avoid any confusion with
+ ffmpeg-php
+ - THANKS to Istvan Szakacs, and Rob Coenen for providing some valuable feedback,
+ bug fixes and code contributions.
+ - ADDED note to example11.php to warn windows users about getID3's
+ helper files.
+ - ADDED example12.php which shows how to manipulate timecodes.
+ - CHANGED the behaviour of extractFrames and extractFrame to allow you
+ to specify specific frames and enter different types of timecodes as
+ params using the new $timecode_format argument.
+ - ADDED value PHPVideoToolkit::getFFmpegInfo()['ffmpeg-php-support']; Values are
+ - 'module' = ffmpeg-php is installed as a php module
+ - 'emulated' = ffmpeg-php is supported through the VideoToolkit adapter
+ classes (supplied with this package)
+ - false = ffmpeg-php is not supported in any way.
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::hasFFmpegPHPSupport() returns one of the values above,
+ dictating if ffmpeg-php is supported.
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::getFFmpegInfo()['compiler']['vhook-support'] that determines
+ if vhook support has been compiled into the ffmpeg binary.
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::hasVHookSupport() returns a boolean value to determine
+ if vhook support is enabled in the ffmpeg binary.
+ - FIXED path include bug in example08.php
+ - ADDED frame existence check to extractFrame and extractFrames, thanks to
+ Istvan Szakacs for suggesting the idea.
+ - ADDED an extra param to PHPVideoToolkit::setInputFile() and
+ PHPVideoToolkit::prepareImagesForConversion(), $input_frame_rate. by default it is
+ 0 which means no input frame rate is set, if you set it to false for
+ setInputFile then the frame rate will retrieved, otherwise the input
+ frame rate will be set to whatever integer is set.
+ - ADDED frame_count to the duration field of the getFileInfo array.
+ - ADDED check for --enable-liblamemp3 which requires a different codec for
+ setting the audio format as mp3.
+ - ADDED width and height check in setVideoOutputDimensions, as apparently
+ the output dimensions have to be even numbers.
+ - REMOVED call-by-pass-time-reference dependance from _postProcess()
+ - ADDED vhook check to PHPVideoToolkit::addWatermark(), returns false if vhook is not
+ enabled.
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::addGDWatermark() to allow GD watermarking of outputted images.
+ - CHANGED the functionality of example04.php to show usage of addGDWatermark
+ if vhooking is not enabled.
+[0.1.2] [03.04.2008]
+ - FIXED bug in PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo() that in some instances didn't return
+ the correct information, such as dimensions and frame rate. Thanks to
+ Istvan Szakacs for pointing out the error.
+ - CHANGED the way an image sequence is outputted. %d within the naming
+ of the output files is now for internal use only.
+ %index - is the old %d and it also accepts numerical padding.
+ %timecode - is the pattern for hh-mm-ss-fn, where fn is the frame
+ number.
+ - UPDATED example02.php to reflect the changes above.
+ - ADDED ffmpeg-php adapters to provide a pure PHP implementation of the
+ ffmpeg-php module.
+ - ADDED getID3 to the distribution.
+ - @link http://getid3.sourceforge.net/
+ - @author James Heinrich <info-at-getid3-dot-org> (et al)
+ - @license GPL and gCL (getID3 Commerical License).
+ - ADDED GifEncoder to the distribution.
+ @link http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/3163.html
+ @link http://phpclasses.gifs.hu/show.php?src=GIFEncoder.class.php
+ @author László Zsidi
+ @license Freeware.
+ - ADDED example11.php, example12.php to demonstrate the ffmpeg-php
+ adapters.
+ - CHANGED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['audio']['frequency'] to
+ PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['audio']['sample_rate']
+ - CHANGED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['audio']['format'] to
+ PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['audio']['codec']
+ - CHANGED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['video']['format'] to
+ PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['video']['codec']
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['video']['pixel_format']
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['_raw_info'] which is the raw buffer output
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()['duration']['start'] (re-added)
+ - UPDATED PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrame so in some instances it will be less cpu
+ intensive.
+ - UPDATED PHPVideoToolkit::_combineCommands so commands can be ordered in the exec
+ string.
+[0.1.1] [29.03.2008]
+ - FIXED bug in the post processing of exporting a series of image frames.
+ With thanks to Rob Coenen.
+ - FIXED bug in PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo() that returned the incorrect frame
+ rate of videos.
+ - CHANGED functionality of PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrame(), to export a specific
+ frame based on the frame number, not just the hours, mins, secs timecode
+ - FIXED bug in ffmpeg.example9.php where the gif was incorrectly named.
+ - CHANGED functionality of PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo(), reorganised the way the
+ duration data is returned.
+ - CHANGED functionality of PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo(), so the timecode with
+ frame numbers instead of milliseconds is also returned in the value
+ duration.timecode.frames.exact, however this value is only available to
+ video files.
+ - REMOVED duration.start from the information returned by
+ PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo()
+ - CHANGED PHPVideoToolkit::$image_output_timecode's default value to true/
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::registerPostProcess() to provide a way to automate
+ callbacks docs so you can hook into post processing of the ffmpeg
+ output. See function for more info.
+ - CHANGED the way PHPVideoToolkit::setFormatToFLV() adds the meta data to the flv.
+ It now uses PHPVideoToolkit::registerPostProcess() to create a callback.
+ - FIXED average time mistakes in examples.
+ - FIXED overwrite mistakes in examples (it was set to true so the
+ overwrite mode defaulted to PHPVideoToolkit::OVERWRITE_EXISTING)
+ - ADDED internal caching of PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo(); so if the data is asked
+ to be generated more than one in the same script it only gets generated
+ once.
+[0.1.0] [02.03.2008]
+ - ADDED new constant PHPVideoToolkit::SIZE_SAS. Which stands for Same As Source,
+ meaning ffmpeg will automatically convert the movie to a whatever format
+ but preserve the size of the original movie.
+ - CORRECTED error/comment spelling mistakes.
+ - CHANGED PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo(); to use preg_match so it's more reliable,
+ it also contains more information on the file.
+ - ADDED public function setVideoAspectRatio. Sets the video aspect ratio.
+ Takes one of three constants as an argument. PHPVideoToolkit::RATIO_STANDARD,
+ - ADDED public function setVideoBitRate. Sets the video bitrate.
+ - ADDED public function setVideoFormat. Sets a video codec. It should not
+ be confused with PHPVideoToolkit::setFormat. It provides slightly different
+ advanced functionality, most simple usage can just use PHPVideoToolkit::setFormat
+ - ADDED public function setAudioFormat. Sets an audio codec.
+ - ADDED public function setConstantQuality. Sets a constant encoding
+ quality.
+ - ADDED public function getFFmpegInfo. Gets the available data from ffmpeg
+ and stores the output in PHPVideoToolkit::$ffmpeg_info (below).
+ - ADDED PHPVideoToolkit::$ffmpeg_info static var to hold the output of
+ PHPVideoToolkit::getFFmpegInfo();
+ - ADDED public function getLastProcessTime and getProcessTime to retrieve
+ the processing times of the ffmpeg calls.
+ - ADDED adapter classes to provide simple functionality for ffmpeg newbies
+ / quick solutions. Each option set can be supplied in the second
+ argument as part of an array.
+ VideoTo::PSP(); - Converts video into the PSP mp4 video.
+ VideoTo::iPod(); - Converts video into the iPod mp4 video.
+ VideoTo::FLV(); - Converts video into the Flash video (flv).
+ VideoTo::Gif(); - Converts video into the animated gif.
+ (experimental as quality is poor)
+ - CHANGED the way the processing works. The file is processed to the
+ temp directory and is then checked for consistency before moving to
+ the output directory.
+ - CHANGED the return values of PHPVideoToolkit::execute(); It no longer returns
+ just true or false. See class docs for more info.
+ - CHANGED the third argument in PHPVideoToolkit::setOutput() from $overwrite to
+ $overwrite_mode. Instead of a boolean value, it now takes one of three
+ constants
+ ffmegp::OVERWRITE_FAIL - means that if a conflict exists the
+ process will result in and error.
+ ffmegp::OVERWRITE_PRESERVE - means that if a conflict exists the
+ process will preserve the existing
+ file and report with
+ ffmegp::OVERWRITE_EXISTING - means that if a conflict exists the
+ process will overwrite any existing
+ file with the new file.
+ ffmegp::OVERWRITE_UNIQUE - means that every filename is
+ prepended with a unique hash to
+ preserve the existing filesystem.
+ - MOVED error messages into a class variable for easier
+ translation/changes.
+ - CHANGED moveLog functionality to use rename instead of copy and unlink.
+[0.0.9] [12.02.2008]
+ - Added new definition FFMPEG_MENCODER_BINARY to point to the mencoder
+ binary.
+ - Changed the behavior of setVideoOutputDimensions. it now accepts class
+ constants as preset sizes.
+ - Added public function adjustVolume. Sets the audio volume.
+ - Added public function extractAudio. Extracts audio from video.
+ - Added public function disableAudio. Disables audio encoding.
+ - Added public function getFileInfo. Access information about the media
+ file.
+ Without using ffmpeg-php as it queries the binary directly.
+ - Added 2 arguments to excecute.
+ argument 1 - $multi_pass_encode (boolean). Determines if ffmpeg should
+ multipass encode. Can result in a better quality encode.
+ default false
+ argument 2 - $log (boolean). Determines if the output of the query to
+ the ffmpeg binary is logged. Note, any log file created
+ is destroyed unless moved with PHPVideoToolkit::moveLog upon
+ destruct of the ffmpeg instance or on PHPVideoToolkit::reset.
+ default false
+ - Added public function moveLog. Moves a log file.
+ - Added public function readLog. Reads a log file and returns the data.
+ - Changed external format definitions to internal class constants.
+ - Changed external use high quality join flag to internal class constant.
+ - Fixed bug in setFormat error message.
+ - Fixed bug in execute.
+[0.0.8] [07.08.2007]
+ - Added public functions secondsToTimecode & timecodeToSeconds. Translates
+ seconds into a timecode and visa versa.
+ ie. 82 => 00:01:22 & 00:01:22 => 82
+ - Added public var image_output_timecode. Determines if any outputted
+ frames are re-stamped with the frames timecode if true.
+ - Fixed bug in setOutput.
+[0.0.7] [01.08.2007]
+ - Added FFMPEG_FORMAT_Y4MP format (yuv4mpegpipe).
+ - Added extra information to install.txt
+ - Added public function hasCommand.
+ - Added public functions addVideo, addVideos
+ - Changed the behavior of setInputFile to take into account the addVideos
+ function. It now can take multiple input files for joining as well as
+ the high quality join flag 'FFMPEG_USE_HQ_JOIN'.
+ - Changed the behavior of setOutput. If the $output_name has a common
+ image extension then and no %d is found then an error is raised.
+ - Changed all booleans from upper to lower case.
+[0.0.5] [12.03.2007]
+ - Added FFMPEG_FORMAT_JPG format (mjpeg). Thanks Matthias.
+ - Changed the behavior of extractFrames. It now accepts a boolean FALSE
+ argument for $extract_end_timecode.
+ If it is given then all frames are exported from the timecode specified
+ by $extract_begin_timecode. Thanks Matthias.
+ - Added extra definition 'FFMPEG_WATERMARK_VHOOK' for the path to the
+ watermark vhook.
+ - Added watermark support for both frames exports and videos. (Note: this
+ makes specific useage of vhook. If your ffmpeg binary has not been
+ compiled with --enable-vhook then this will not work.
+[0.0.1] [02.03.2007]
+ - Initial version released
+/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */ \ No newline at end of file