path: root/transcoders
diff options
authorHeshan <heshan@heidisoft.com>2011-03-13 00:03:05 +0530
committerHeshan <heshan@heidisoft.com>2011-03-13 00:03:05 +0530
commitf53f62a5ecf8343941e2c74d06b429bb271d7df2 (patch)
tree788ce5cb10e20aa104b2b9975a0b07304fef63b5 /transcoders
parentd47e35b2a2c56ecbfc813433d96082394f98136b (diff)
Completed some transcoding stuff and tested the video convert on save.
Diffstat (limited to 'transcoders')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/transcoders/video_ffmpeg.inc b/transcoders/video_ffmpeg.inc
index 142eaff..7aed020 100644
--- a/transcoders/video_ffmpeg.inc
+++ b/transcoders/video_ffmpeg.inc
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class video_ffmpeg implements transcoder_interface {
$total_thumbs = variable_get('video_thumbs', 5);
$videofile = file_load($video['fid']);
//get the actual video file path from the stream wrappers
- $videopath = (drupal_realpath($videofile->uri));
+ $videopath = drupal_realpath($videofile->uri);
//get the playtime from the current transcoder
$duration = $this->get_playtime($videopath);
@@ -99,108 +99,84 @@ class video_ffmpeg implements transcoder_interface {
public function convert_video($video) {
// This will update our current video status to active.
// $this->change_status($video->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE);
- // Get the converted file object
- //we are going to move our video to an "original" folder
- //we are going to transcode the video to the "converted" folder
-// $pathinfo = pathinfo($video->filepath);
- // @TODO This about getting the correct path from the filefield if they active it
- $files = file_create_path();
- $original = $files . '/videos/original';
- $converted = $files . '/videos/converted';
- if (!field_file_check_directory($original, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
- watchdog('transcoder', 'Video conversion failed. Could not create the directory: ' . $orginal, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- if (!field_file_check_directory($converted, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
+ // get the paths so tokens will compatible with this
+ $target = str_replace('original', '', drupal_dirname($video->uri));
+ $converted = $target . '/converted/' . $video->fid;
+ if (!file_prepare_directory($converted, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
watchdog('transcoder', 'Video conversion failed. Could not create the directory: ' . $converted, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return false;
- $original = $original . '/' . $video->filename;
- //lets move our video and then convert it.
- if (file_move($video, $original)) {
- // Update our filepath since we moved it
- $update = drupal_write_record('files', $video, 'fid');
- // process presets
- $presets = $video->presets;
- $converted_files = array();
- foreach ($presets as $name => $preset) {
- // reset converted file path
- $converted = $files . '/videos/converted';
- //update our filename after the move to maintain filename uniqueness.
-// $converted = $converted .'/'. pathinfo($video->filepath, PATHINFO_FILENAME) .'.'. $this->video_extension();
- $converted = file_create_filename(str_replace(' ', '_', pathinfo($video->filepath, PATHINFO_FILENAME)) . '.' . $preset['extension'], $converted);
- //call our transcoder
-// $command_output = $this->convert_video($video, $converted);
- $dimensions = $this->dimensions($video);
- $dimention = explode('x', $dimensions);
- if ($this->params['enable_faststart'] && in_array($preset['extension'], array('mov', 'mp4'))) {
- $ffmpeg_output = file_directory_temp() . '/' . basename($converted);
- } else {
- $ffmpeg_output = $converted;
- }
- // Setup our default command to be run.
- foreach ($preset['command'] as $command) {
- $command = strtr($command, array(
- '!cmd_path' => $this->params['cmd_path'],
- '!videofile' => '"' . $video->filepath . '"',
- '!audiobitrate' => $preset['audio_bitrate'],
- '!width' => $dimention[0],
- '!height' => $dimention[1],
- '!videobitrate' => $preset['video_bitrate'],
- '!convertfile' => '"' . $ffmpeg_output . '"',
- ));
-// print_r($preset['command']);
-// die();
- // Process our video
-// $command_output = $this->run_command($command);
- $command_output = $this->run_command($command);
- }
- if ($ffmpeg_output != $converted && file_exists($ffmpeg_output)) {
- // Because the transcoder_interface doesn't allow the run_command() to include the ability to pass
- // the command to be execute so we need to fudge the command to run qt-faststart.
- $cmd_path = $this->params['cmd_path'];
- $this->params['cmd_path'] = $this->params['faststart_cmd'];
- $command_output .= $this->run_command($ffmpeg_output . ' ' . $converted, $verbose);
- $this->params['cmd_path'] = $cmd_path;
- // Delete the temporary output file.
- file_delete($ffmpeg_output);
- }
- //lets check to make sure our file exists, if not error out
- if (!file_exists($converted) || !filesize($converted)) {
- watchdog('video_conversion', 'Video conversion failed for preset %preset. FFMPEG reported the following output: ' . $command_output, array('%orig' => $video->filepath, '%preset' => $name), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- $this->change_status($video->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Setup our converted video object
- $video_info = pathinfo($converted);
- //update our converted video
- $video->converted = new stdClass();
- $video->converted->vid = $video->vid;
- $video->converted->filename = $video_info['basename'];
- $video->converted->filepath = $converted;
- $video->converted->filemime = file_get_mimetype($converted);
- $video->converted->filesize = filesize($converted);
- $video->converted->status = VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE;
- $video->converted->preset = $name;
- $video->converted->completed = time();
- $converted_files[] = $video->converted;
+ //get the actual video file path from the stream wrappers
+ $original_video_path = drupal_realpath($video->uri);
+ // process presets
+ $presets = $video->presets;
+ $converted_files = array();
+ foreach ($presets as $name => $preset) {
+ $settings = $preset['settings'];
+ $converted .= '/' . file_munge_filename(str_replace(' ', '_', pathinfo($original_video_path, PATHINFO_FILENAME)) . '.' . $settings['video_extension'], $settings['video_extension']);
+ $dimensions = $this->dimensions($video);
+ $dimention = explode('x', $dimensions);
+ if ($this->params['enable_faststart'] && in_array($settings['video_extension'], array('mov', 'mp4'))) {
+ $ffmpeg_output = file_directory_temp() . '/' . basename($converted);
+ } else {
+ $ffmpeg_output = $converted;
+ }
+ // Setup our default command to be run.
+ $command = strtr($settings['command'], array(
+ '!cmd_path' => $this->params['cmd_path'],
+ '!videofile' => '"' . $original_video_path . '"',
+ '!audiobitrate' => $settings['audio_bitrate'],
+ '!width' => $dimention[0],
+ '!height' => $dimention[1],
+ '!videobitrate' => $settings['video_bitrate'],
+ '!convertfile' => '"' . $ffmpeg_output . '"',
+ ));
+ // process our video
+ $command_output = $this->run_command($command);
+ if ($ffmpeg_output != $converted && file_exists($ffmpeg_output)) {
+ // Because the transcoder_interface doesn't allow the run_command() to include the ability to pass
+ // the command to be execute so we need to fudge the command to run qt-faststart.
+ $cmd_path = $this->params['cmd_path'];
+ $this->params['cmd_path'] = $this->params['faststart_cmd'];
+ $command_output .= $this->run_command($ffmpeg_output . ' ' . $converted, $verbose);
+ $this->params['cmd_path'] = $cmd_path;
+ // Delete the temporary output file.
+ drupal_unlink($ffmpeg_output);
- // Update our video_files table with the converted video information.
- $result = db_query("UPDATE {video_files} SET status=%d, completed=%d, data='%s' WHERE vid=%d",
- $video->converted->status, $video->converted->completed, serialize($converted_files), $video->converted->vid);
- watchdog('video_conversion', 'Successfully converted %orig to %dest', array('%orig' => $video->filepath, '%dest' => $video->converted->filepath), WATCHDOG_INFO);
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- watchdog('video_conversion', 'Cound not move the video to the original folder.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- $this->change_status($video->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
- return FALSE;
+ //lets check to make sure our file exists, if not error out
+ if (!file_exists($converted) || !filesize($converted)) {
+ watchdog('video_conversion', 'Video conversion failed for preset %preset. FFMPEG reported the following output: ' . $command_output, array('%orig' => $video->filepath, '%preset' => $name), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
+ $this->change_status($video->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Setup our converted video object
+ $video_info = pathinfo($converted);
+ //update our converted video
+ $video->converted = new stdClass();
+ $video->converted->vid = $video->vid;
+ $video->converted->filename = $video_info['basename'];
+ $video->converted->filepath = $converted;
+ $video->converted->filemime = file_get_mimetype($converted);
+ $video->converted->filesize = filesize($converted);
+ $video->converted->status = VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE;
+ $video->converted->preset = $name;
+ $video->converted->completed = time();
+ $converted_files[] = $video->converted;
+ // Update our video_files table with the converted video information.
+ db_update('video_files')
+ ->fields(array(
+ 'completed' => time(),
+ 'data' => serialize($converted_files)))
+ ->condition('vid', $video->converted->vid, '=')
+ ->execute();
+ watchdog('video_conversion', 'Successfully converted %orig to %dest', array('%orig' => $video->filepath, '%dest' => $video->converted->filepath), WATCHDOG_INFO);
+ return TRUE;
@@ -392,21 +368,11 @@ class video_ffmpeg implements transcoder_interface {
* Interface Implementations
- * @see sites/all/modules/video/includes/transcoder_interface#update_job()
- */
- public function update_job($video) {
- if (!$this->load_job($video['fid']))
- return;
- //lets update our table to include the nid
- db_query("UPDATE {video_files} SET nid=%d WHERE fid=%d", $video['nid'], $video['fid']);
- }
- /**
- * Interface Implementations
* @see sites/all/modules/video/includes/transcoder_interface#delete_job()
public function delete_job($video) {
- if (!$video = $this->load_job($video['fid']))
+ $video = (object) $video;
+ if (!$video = $this->load_job($video->fid))
// converted output values
$converted = unserialize($video->data);
@@ -443,26 +409,13 @@ class video_ffmpeg implements transcoder_interface {
* @see sites/all/modules/video/includes/transcoder_interface#load_job_queue()
public function load_job_queue() {
- return;
+// return;
$total_videos = variable_get('video_ffmpeg_instances', 5);
$videos = array();
- $result = db_query_range('SELECT f.*, vf.vid, vf.nid, vf.dimensions, vf.status as video_status
- FROM {video_files} vf LEFT JOIN {files} f ON vf.fid = f.fid
+ $result = db_query_range('SELECT f.*, vf.vid, vf.nid, vf.dimensions, vf.status as video_status
+ FROM {video_files} vf LEFT JOIN {file_managed} f ON vf.fid = f.fid
WHERE vf.status = :vstatus AND f.status = :fstatus ORDER BY f.timestamp',
- array(':vstatus' => VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING, ':fstatus' => FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT), 0, $total_videos, array());
- $job = db_query("SELECT f.*, vf.vid, vf.nid, vf.dimensions, vf.data, vf.status as video_status
- FROM {video_files} vf LEFT JOIN {file_managed} f ON vf.fid = f.fid WHERE f.fid=vf.fid AND f.fid = :fid",
- array(':fid' => $fid))
- ->fetch();
- $query = db_select('file_managed', 'f');
- $query->join('video_files', 'vf');
- $query->condition('f.status', FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT, '=')
- ->condition('vf.status', VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING, '=')
- ->fields('f', array('fid', 'uid', 'filename', 'uri', 'status', 'filemime', 'filesize'))
- ->fields('vf', array('vif', 'fid', 'nid', 'dimension', 'status', 'data'))
- ->range(0, variable_get('video_ffmpeg_instances', 5));
- $result = $query->execute();
+ 0, $total_videos, array(':vstatus' => VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING, ':fstatus' => FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT));
foreach ($result as $row) {
$videos[] = $row;