path: root/plugins/video_zencoder/video_zencoder.module
diff options
authorHeshan <heshan@heidisoft.com>2011-03-04 23:20:28 +0530
committerHeshan <heshan@heidisoft.com>2011-03-04 23:20:28 +0530
commit72f7b7109d1cdf3ec1f5fb022170dedc8c9dc5e1 (patch)
tree4df43cb8b1a5371f792ca5bf657fdf0c4de32cf6 /plugins/video_zencoder/video_zencoder.module
parent554508a1df489a8634e876ada1fa3ddd66375f7a (diff)
Creating presets which can be exported with features, chostools and move subsidary module to modules directory
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/video_zencoder/video_zencoder.module')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/video_zencoder/video_zencoder.module b/plugins/video_zencoder/video_zencoder.module
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2218e..0000000
--- a/plugins/video_zencoder/video_zencoder.module
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Provides wrapper functions for the s3 amazon webservices.
- * @todo
- * - cleand up the _video_zencoder_postback_jobs() function
- * - Add to select random thumbnails to the download image.
- */
- * Implementation of hook_cron().
- */
- * Implementation of hook_menu().
- */
-function video_zencoder_menu() {
- $items = array();
- $items['postback/jobs'] = array(
-// 'title' => 'Video',
-// 'description' => 'Configure different aspects of the video module and its plugins',
- 'page callback' => '_video_zencoder_postback_jobs',
- 'access arguments' => array('access content'),
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- );
- return $items;
- * This will handle Zencoder postback once video conversion is completed
- *
- */
-function _video_zencoder_postback_jobs() {
-// get JSON post data
- $data = file_get_contents("php://input");
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Postback received from the Zencoder Transcoding servers.' . serialize($data)));
-// print_r($data);
-// exit;
-// get the file object by zenocder job id
- $video = json_decode($data);
-// print_r($zc);
-// $zc_job_id = $video->job->id;
- $zc_job_state = trim($video->job->state);
-// $zc_output_id = $video->output->id;
- $zc_output_state = trim($video->output->state);
-// $zc_output_url = $video->output->url;
- if ($zc_output_state == 'finished' && $zc_job_state == 'finished')
- $video->output->state = VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE;
- if ($zc_output_state == 'failed' || $zc_job_state == 'failed')
- $video->output->state = VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED;
- if ($zc_job_state == 'processing') {
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Job !jobid is processing.', array('!jobid' => $video->job->id)));
- return;
- }
-// update the Zencoder Job
- module_load_include('inc', 'video_zencoder', '/includes/zencoder');
- $zc = new video_zencoder_api;
-// Lets run delete.
- $videodb = $zc->load_job($video->job->id);
-// print_r($video);
-// echo $nid = $videodb->nid;
-// echo $vid = $videodb->vid;
-// echo $fid = $videodb->fid;
- if ($video->output->state == VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE) {
-// echo 'completed';
- $nid = $videodb->nid;
- $vid = $videodb->vid;
- $fid = $videodb->fid;
-// print_r($videodb);
-// echo 'working completed';
- if (!db_query('UPDATE {video_zencoder} SET status = %d WHERE vid = %d ', VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE, $vid))
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Error updating zencoder status.', array()), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- if (!db_query("UPDATE {node} SET status=%d WHERE nid=%d", 1, $nid))
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Error pulishing node.', array()), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
-// print_r($video);
-// update the thumbanils
-// this will update the default thumbnails, if user want to select another one then they wil need to edit the node
-// Setup our thmbnail path.
- $video_thumb_path = variable_get('video_thumb_path', 'video_thumbs');
- $final_thumb_path = file_default_scheme() . ':/' . $video_thumb_path . '/' . $fid;
-// $i = rand(0, (variable_get('no_of_video_thumbs', 5) - 1));
- $filename = $fid . '_' . sprintf("%04d", 1) . '.png';
- $thumbfile = $final_thumb_path . '/' . $filename;
- if (video_s3_get_object_info($thumbfile)) {
- $default = $final_thumb_path . '/no-thumb.png';
- file_delete($default);
- if (video_s3_get_object($thumbfile, $default))
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Successfully downloaded the thumbnails file and replaced the default image.'));
- else
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Download thumbanils files is failed.'), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- }
-// file_copy($default, $thumbfile, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Updated the Zencoder Job !id to states !states.', array('!id' => $video->job->id, '!states' => $zc_output_state)));
- }
- else if ($video->output->state == VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED) {
- echo 'working failed';
- $this->change_status($vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
- watchdog('zencoder', t('Zencoder job failed converting videos, please login to zencoder web and check the erros.', array()), NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- } else {
- echo 'working something else';
- }
- * Implementation of hook_mail().
- */
-function video_zencoder_mail($key, &$message, $params) {
- $language = $message['language'];
- $message['subject'] .= 'Zencoder Registration Details for Drupal Video';
- $message['body'][] = video_zencoder_mail_default($params);
-function video_zencoder_mail_default($params) {
- return t(
- 'Welcome to Zencoder for Drupal
-Your account has been created and is ready to start processing.
-Your account details are as below.
-API Key : %api_key
-Password : %password
-* Login URL: https://app.zencoder.com/login
-You can get help at the following places:
-* Our chat room at http://zencoder.com/chat
-* Customer forums at https://help.zencoder.com/forums
-* The help desk at https://help.zencoder.com/tickets/new
-We\'d love to hear from you. Let us know how we can help. Thanks!
--Zencoder for Drupal Team', array('%api_key' => $params['api_key'], '%password' => $params['password']));