path: root/plugins/video_ffmpeg_helper/video_render.php
diff options
authorHeshan Wanigasooriya <heshanmw@gmail.com>2010-03-23 04:17:29 +0000
committerHeshan Wanigasooriya <heshanmw@gmail.com>2010-03-23 04:17:29 +0000
commit8041073c8d74e5d24e3b9f10143f3e4bd04db2de (patch)
tree89827aac40d499a41c4deae85719712630836568 /plugins/video_ffmpeg_helper/video_render.php
parentb66f50d2ce11d0cc8bb53af94ad86278d3fe8e51 (diff)
removing old files and commenting new file field and other files to the vidoe module page.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/video_ffmpeg_helper/video_render.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/video_ffmpeg_helper/video_render.php b/plugins/video_ffmpeg_helper/video_render.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aae1cb..0000000
--- a/plugins/video_ffmpeg_helper/video_render.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * Renders a video. This script is called concurrently by video_scheduler.php
- * This script has to be launched with "php video_render.php nid vid"
- * If you are not using sites/default/settings.php as your settings file,
- * add an optional parameter for the drupal site url:
- * "php video_render.php nid vid http://example.com/" or
- * "php video_render.php nid vid http://example.org/drupal/"
- *
- * @author Fabio Varesano <fvaresano at yahoo dot it>
- * @author Heshan Wanigasooriya <heshan at heidisoft.com><heshanmw@gmail.com>
- * @author Glen Marianko Twitter@demoforum <glenm at demoforum dot com>
- * @todo
- */
- * video_scheduler.php configuration
-// set path to the ffmpeg executable
-define('VIDEO_RENDERING_FFMPEG_PATH', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg');
-// set to the temp file path.
-//IMPORTANT: the user who runs this script must have permissions to create files there. If this is not the case the default php temporary folder will be used.
-define('VIDEO_RENDERING_TEMP_PATH', '/tmp/video');
-// nice value to append at the beginning of the command
-define('VIDEO_RENDERING_NICE', 'nice -n 19');
- * video_scheduler.php configuration ends.
- * Define some constants
-if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][3])) {
- $url = parse_url($_SERVER['argv'][3]);
- $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $url['path'];
- $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $url['host'];
-//module_load_include('/includes/bootstrap.inc', 'video_render', 'includes/bootstrap');
-// disable error reporting for bootstrap process
-// let's bootstrap: we will be able to use drupal apis
-// enable full error reporting again
-// allow execution only from the command line!
-if(empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
- if($_SERVER['argc'] < 3) { // check for command line arguments
- watchdog('video_render', 'Incorrect parameters to the video_render.php script.', WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- print t('Incorrect parameters');
- }
- else {
- video_render_main();
- }
-else {
- print t('This script is only executable from the command line.');
- die();
-function video_render_main() {
- // get parameters passed from command line
- $nid = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
- $vid = $_SERVER['argv'][2];
- // set the status to active
- _video_render_job_change_status($nid, $vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE);
- // load the job object
- $job = _video_render_load_job($nid, $vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE);
- if($job == NULL) {
- watchdog('video_render', 'video_render.php has been called with an invalid job resource. exiting.');
- die;
- }
- $command = _video_render_get_command($job);
- //print('executing ' . $command); die;
- watchdog('video_render', 'executing: ' . $command);
- //execute the command
- ob_start();
- passthru($command." 2>&1", $command_return);
- $command_output = ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- //print $command_output;
- if (!file_exists($job->convfile) || !filesize($job->convfile)) {
- watchdog('video_render', 'video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $command_output, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($job->nid, $job->vid, -1);
- _video_render_job_change_status($job->nid, $job->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
- }
- else {
- // move the video to the definitive location
- $file = array(
- 'filename' => basename($job->origfile . ".flv"),
- 'filemime' => 'application/octet-stream', // is there something better???
- 'filesize' => filesize($job->convfile),
- 'filepath' => $job->convfile,
- 'nid' => $job->nid,
- );
- $file = ((object) $file);
- //print_r($file);
- //$dest_dir = variable_get('video_upload_default_path', 'videos') .'/';
- // the above no more works as token supports - use dirname
- $dest_dir = dirname($job->origfile) . '/';
- if (file_copy($file, $dest_dir)) {
- //$file->fid = db_next_id('{files}_fid');
- //print_r($file);
- //GMM: fixed added timestamp column for completeness (otherwise 0), D6 FILE_STATUS
- db_query("INSERT INTO {files} (fid, uid, filename, filepath, filemime, filesize, status, timestamp) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)", $file->fid, $job->uid, $file->filename, $file->filepath, $file->filemime, $file->filesize, FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT, time());
- // to know other modules of fid
- $file->fid = db_last_insert_id('files', 'fid');
- db_query("INSERT INTO {video_upload} (vid, nid, fid) VALUES (%d, %d, %d)", $job->vid, $job->vid, $file->fid);
- // update the video table
- db_query('UPDATE {video} SET vidfile = "%s", videox = %d, videoy = %d WHERE nid=%d AND vid=%d', "", $job->calculatedx, $job->calculatedy, $job->nid, $job->vid);
- // update the video_encoded_fid in video serial data
- _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($job->nid, $job->vid, $file->fid);
- _video_render_job_change_status($job->nid, $job->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE);
- watchdog('video_render', 'successfully converted %orig to %dest', array('%orig' => $job->origfile, '%dest' => $file->filepath));
- // delete the temp file
- unlink($job->convfile);
- }
- else {
- // get the username of the process owner
- $ownerarray = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
- $owner=$ownerarray['name'];
- // get the username of the destination folder owner
- $fownerarray = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($dest_dir));
- $fowner=$fownerarray['name'];
- // get destination folder permissions
- $perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($dest_dir)), -4);
- watchdog('video_render', 'error moving video %vid_file with nid = %nid to %dir the final directory. Check folder permissions.<br />The script was run by %uname .<br />The folder owner is %fowner .<br />The folder permissions are %perms .', array('%vid_file' => $job->origfile, '%nid' => $job->nid, '%dir' => $dest_dir, '%uname' => $owner, '%fowner' => $fowner, '%perms' => $perms), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
- _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($job->nid, $job->vid, -1);
- _video_render_job_change_status($job->nid, $job->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
- }
- }
- * Set the video_encoded_fid in the video table
- * We store -1 as video_encoded_fid if the encoding failed
-function _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($nid, $vid, $encoded_fid) {
- db_lock_table('video');
- $node = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT serialized_data FROM {video} WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d", $nid, $vid));
- $node->serial_data = unserialize($node->serialized_data);
- //GMM: save fid of previously encoded file
- $old_fid = $node->serial_data['video_encoded_fid'];
- $node->serial_data['video_encoded_fid'] = $encoded_fid;
- $node->serialized_data = serialize($node->serial_data);
- db_query("UPDATE {video} SET serialized_data = '%s' WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d", $node->serialized_data, $nid, $vid);
- db_unlock_tables();
- // GMM: update status on previously encoded fid to 0 so drupal will delete
- if($old_fid > 0)
- db_query("UPDATE {files} SET status = %d WHERE fid = %d", 0, $old_fid);
- * Get a string cointaining the command to be executed including options
-function _video_render_get_command(&$job) {
- $videofile = escapeshellarg($job->origfile); // escape file name for safety
- $convfile = tempnam(VIDEO_RENDERING_TEMP_PATH, 'video-rendering');
- $audiobitrate = variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_audio_bitrate', 64);
- $videobitrate = variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_video_bitrate', 200);
- $size = _video_render_get_size($job);
- $options = preg_replace(array('/%videofile/', '/%convertfile/', '/%audiobitrate/', '/%size/', '/%videobitrate/'), array($videofile, $convfile, $audiobitrate, $size, $videobitrate), variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_options', '-y -i %videofile -f flv -ar 22050 -ab %audiobitrate -s %size -b %videobitrate -qscale 1 %convertfile'));
- // set to the converted file output
- $job->convfile = $convfile;
- return VIDEO_RENDERING_NICE . " $converter $options";
- * Calculate the converted video size basing on the width set on administration.
- * Aspect ration is maintained.
-function _video_render_get_size(&$job) {
- $def_width = variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_width', 400);
- $height = $def_width * ($job->videoy / $job->videox); // do you remember proportions?? :-)
- $height = round($height);
- // add one if odd
- if($height % 2) {
- $height++;
- }
- $job->calculatedx = $def_width;
- $job->calculatedy = $height;
- return $def_width . 'x' . $height;
- * Load a job
-function _video_render_load_job($nid, $vid, $status) {
- $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {video_rendering} vr INNER JOIN {node} n ON vr.vid = n.vid INNER JOIN {video} v ON n.vid = v.vid WHERE n.nid = v.nid AND vr.nid = n.nid AND vr.status = %d AND n.nid = %d AND n.vid = %d', $status, $nid, $vid);
- return db_fetch_object($result);
- * Change the status to $status of the job having nid=$nid and vid=$vid
-function _video_render_job_change_status($nid, $vid, $status) {
- $result = db_query('UPDATE {video_rendering} SET status = %d WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d', $status, $nid, $vid);