path: root/plugins/ffmpeg_wrapper.inc
diff options
authorHeshan Wanigasooriya <heshanmw@gmail.com>2010-03-23 04:17:29 +0000
committerHeshan Wanigasooriya <heshanmw@gmail.com>2010-03-23 04:17:29 +0000
commit8041073c8d74e5d24e3b9f10143f3e4bd04db2de (patch)
tree89827aac40d499a41c4deae85719712630836568 /plugins/ffmpeg_wrapper.inc
parentb66f50d2ce11d0cc8bb53af94ad86278d3fe8e51 (diff)
removing old files and commenting new file field and other files to the vidoe module page.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ffmpeg_wrapper.inc')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ffmpeg_wrapper.inc b/plugins/ffmpeg_wrapper.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..228d8ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ffmpeg_wrapper.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+ * @file
+ * Provide a api for video conversion and auto thumbnailing using ffmpeg.
+ *
+ * You must have ffmpeg_wrapper module installed in order to use this
+ *
+ * @author Heshan Wanigasooriya <heshan at heidisoft.com, heshanmw at gmail dot com>
+ */
+ * Define some constants
+ */
+ or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING', 1);
+ or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_ACTIVE', 5);
+ or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE', 10);
+ or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED', 20);
+// nice value to append at the beginning of the command
+ or define('VIDEO_RENDERING_NICE', 'nice -n 19');
+// TODO : add cron API to video module
+function ffmpeg_wrapper_cron() {
+ global $base_url;
+ if(variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_cron', true)) {
+ exec("php video_scheduler.php $base_url > /dev/null &");
+ }
+ * Get some informations from the video file
+ */
+function ffmpeg_wrapper_get_video_info($vidfile) {
+ static $ffmpeg_info;
+ $fid = $vidfile['fid'];
+ // $command_output = cache_get($fid);
+ // if(empty($command_output)) {
+ // escape file name for safety
+ $file = escapeshellarg($vidfile['filepath']);
+ // create the full command to execute
+ $command = variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg') . ' -i ' . $file;
+ //execute the command
+ ob_start();
+ passthru($command." 2>&1", $command_return);
+ $command_output = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ // cache the result for further calls
+ // $ffmpeg_info[$vidfile['fid']] = $command_output;
+ // cache_set($vidfile['fid'], $command_output);
+ // }
+ return $command_output;
+ * Return the video resolution
+ */
+function ffmpeg_wrapper_auto_resolution(&$vidfile) {
+ if(!variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_resolution', false)) {
+ // call ffmpeg -i
+ $filepath = escapeshellarg($vidfile['filepath']);
+ $ffmpeg_output = ffmpeg_wrapper_file_data($filepath);
+ // get resolution
+ $pattern = '/Video: .*, ([0-9]{2,4}x[0-9]{2,4})/';
+ preg_match_all($pattern, $ffmpeg_output, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
+ $resolution = $matches[1][0];
+ return explode("x", $resolution);
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Return the playtime seconds of a video
+ */
+function ffmpeg_wrapper_auto_playtime($file) {
+ if(!variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_playtime', false)) {
+ // call ffmpeg -i
+ $ffmpeg_output = ffmpeg_wrapper_get_video_info($file);
+ // get playtime
+ $pattern = '/Duration: ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9])/';
+ preg_match_all($pattern, $ffmpeg_output, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
+ $playtime = $matches[1][0];
+ // ffmpeg return lenght as 00:00:31.1 Let's get playtime from that
+ $hmsmm = explode(":", $playtime);
+ $tmp = explode(".", $hmsmm[2]);
+ $seconds = $tmp[0];
+ $hours = $hmsmm[0];
+ $minutes = $hmsmm[1];
+ return $seconds + ($hours * 3600) + ($minutes * 60);
+ }
+ * Generates a thumbnail from the video file
+ * Implementing hook_auto_thumbnail on inc
+ *
+ * @param $vidfile
+ * object with element information
+ *
+ * @return
+ * a drupal file objects
+ */
+function ffmpeg_wrapper_auto_thumbnail($vidfile) {
+ global $user;
+ $uploaded_file = $vidfile;
+ $fid = $uploaded_file["fid"];
+ // are we debugging?
+ // escape the filename for safety
+ $videofile = escapeshellarg($uploaded_file['filepath']);
+ $thumb_path = variable_get('video_thumb_path', 'video_thumbs');
+ //files will save in files/video_thumbs/#fileId folder
+ $tmp = file_directory_path(). '/' . $thumb_path . '/' . $fid;
+ // Ensure the destination directory exists and is writable.
+ $directories = explode('/', $tmp);
+ // array_pop($directories); // Remove the file itself.
+ // Get the file system directory.
+ $file_system = file_directory_path();
+ foreach ($directories as $directory) {
+ $full_path = isset($full_path) ? $full_path . '/' . $directory : $directory;
+ // Don't check directories outside the file system path.
+ if (strpos($full_path, $file_system) === 0) {
+ field_file_check_directory($full_path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
+ }
+ }
+ $count = variable_get('no_of_video_thumbs', 5);
+ // set file path
+ $filepath = $vidfile['filepath'];
+ // calling ffmpeg_wrapper_file_data function
+ $file_data = ffmpeg_wrapper_file_data($filepath);
+ $duration = $file_data['duration'];
+ $files = NULL;
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
+ // get ffmpeg configurations
+ $seek = ($duration/$count) * $i;
+ $thumbfile = $tmp . "/video-thumb-for-$fid-$i.png";
+ //skip files already exists, this will save ffmpeg traffic
+ if (!is_file($thumbfile)) {
+// $tnail = variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg');
+ $options = preg_replace(array('/%videofile/', '/%thumbfile/', '/%seek/'), array($videofile, $thumbfile, $seek), variable_get('video_ffmpeg_thumbnailer_options', '-i %videofile -an -y -f mjpeg -ss %seek -vframes 1 %thumbfile'));
+ // executes the command
+ $tnail_output = ffmpeg_wrapper_run_command($options, $error_check = true, $path = '');
+// $command = "$tnail $options";
+// ob_start();
+// passthru($command." 2>&1", $tnail_return);
+// $tnail_output = ob_get_contents();
+// ob_end_clean();
+ if (!file_exists($thumbfile)) {
+ $error_param = array(
+ '%file' => $thumbfile,
+ '%cmd' => $options,
+ '%out' => $tnail_output,
+ );
+ $error_msg = t("error generating thumbnail for video: generated file %file does not exist.<br />Command Executed:<br />%cmd<br />Command Output:<br />%out", $error_param);
+ // let's log this
+ watchdog('video_ffmpeg',$error_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ // Begin building file object.
+ //TODO : use file_munge_filename()
+ $file = new stdClass();
+ $file->uid = $user->uid;
+ $file->status = FILE_STATUS_TEMPORARY;
+ $file->filename = trim("video-thumb-for-$fid-$i.png");
+ $file->filepath = $thumbfile;
+ $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype("video-thumb-for-$fid-$i.png");
+ $file->filesize = filesize($thumbfile);
+ $file->timestamp = time();
+ $files[] = $file;
+ }
+ return $files;
+ * Implementing hook_chcek_exepath() on inc
+ * To check the the path is executable or not
+ * @param <type> path to check
+ * @return bool TRUE/FALSE
+ */
+function ffmpeg_wrapper_check_exe_path($path = NULL) {
+ return ffmpeg_wrapper_executable();
+ * Implementing hook_auto_convert();
+ * @param <type> $job
+ */
+//function ffmpeg_wrapper_auto_convert(&$job) {
+// $videofile = escapeshellarg($job->filepath); // escape file name for safety
+// $convfile = tempnam(file_directory_temp(), 'video-rendering');
+// $audiobitrate = variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_audio_bitrate', 64);
+// $videobitrate = variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_video_bitrate', 200);
+// $size = _video_render_get_size();
+//// $converter = variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg');
+// $options = preg_replace(array('/%videofile/', '/%convertfile/', '/%audiobitrate/', '/%size/', '/%videobitrate/'),
+// array($videofile, $convfile, $audiobitrate, $size, $videobitrate),
+// variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_options',
+// '-y -i %videofile -f flv -ar 22050 -ab %audiobitrate -s %size -b %videobitrate -qscale 1 %convertfile'));
+// // set to the converted file output
+// $job->convfile = $convfile;
+// // run conversion commands from ffmpeg_wrapper module
+// $command_output = ffmpeg_wrapper_run_command($options, $error_check = true, $path = '');
+//// $command = VIDEO_RENDERING_NICE . " $converter $options";
+// //print('executing ' . $command); die;
+// watchdog('video_render', 'executing: ' . $options);
+//// watchdog('video_render', 'Starting : ' . time());
+// //execute the command
+//// ob_start();
+//// passthru($command." 2>&1", $command_return);
+//// $command_output = ob_get_contents();
+//// ob_end_clean();
+//// watchdog('video_render', 'Completed');
+// //print $command_output;
+// if (!file_exists($job->convfile) || !filesize($job->convfile)) {
+// watchdog('video_render', 'video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $command_output);
+// // _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($job->nid, $job->vid, -1);
+// // _video_render_job_change_status($job->nid, $job->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
+// }
+// else {
+// $file_name = basename($job->filename . ".flv");
+// $file = new stdClass();
+// $file->uid = $job->uid;
+// $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
+// $file->filename = basename($file_name);
+// $file->filepath = $job->convfile;
+// $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file_name);
+// $file->filesize = filesize($job->convfile);
+// $file->timestamp = time();
+// $job->converted = $file;
+// }
+ * This runs FFmpeg based on the form data passed into it.
+ * @param string $input_file
+ * path to the file to operate on
+ * @param array $params
+ * configuration options in the format set in the ffmpeg_wrapper_configuration_form()
+ * @param string $output_file_path
+ * where to place the file, assumes same dir as $input_file. No trailing slash
+ * @param object $ffmpeg_object
+ * contains debug information that calling functions can utilize
+ * @return string
+ *
+ */
+function ffmpeg_wrapper_auto_convert(&$job) {
+ $ffmpeg_object = new stdClass();
+ // check configuration are pass of then use global $conf
+ if(empty ($params)){
+ global $conf;
+ $params = $conf;
+ }
+ $input_file = $job->filepath; // escape file name for safety
+ // first error check, make sure that we can decode this kind of file
+ if (! ffmpeg_wrapper_can_decode($input_file)) {
+ $message = 'FFmpeg Wrapper can not decode this file: !file';
+ $variables = array('!file' => l($input_file, file_create_url($input_file)));
+ watchdog('video_render', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
+ $ffmpeg_object->errors[] = $message;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // build the output file path if we don't have one. Use the output type as the extension.
+ $output_file = file_create_filename(basename($input_file) .'.'. $params['ffmpeg_output_type'], ($output_file_path ? $output_file_path : dirname($input_file)));
+ // did the admin define a specific FFmpeg comand to run?
+ // we only run what the admin specified
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_video_custom']) {
+ $options[] = str_replace(array('%in_file', '%out_file'), array($input_file, $output_file), $params['ffmpeg_video_custom_command']);
+ }
+ // build a standard configuration
+ else {
+ // build the ffmpeg command structure out
+ $options = array();
+ // input file
+ $options[] = "-i '". $input_file ."'";
+ // build the watermark config
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_video_wm']) {
+ $options[] = "-vhook '". ffmpeg_wrapper_path_to_vhook('watermark.so') ." -f ". $params['ffmpeg_video_wm_file'] ."'";
+ }
+ // build the audio config
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_advanced']) {
+ // use a specifc codec?
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_acodec']) {
+ $options[] = '-acodec '. $params['ffmpeg_audio_acodec'];
+ }
+ // use a specific sample rate?
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_ar'] ) {
+ $options[] = '-ar '. $params['ffmpeg_audio_ar'];
+ }
+ // use a specific bit rate?
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_audio_ab']) {
+ $options[] = '-ab '. $params['ffmpeg_audio_ab'];
+ }
+ }
+ // build the video config
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_video_advanced']) {
+ // is codec set?
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_video_vcodec']) {
+ $options[] = '-vcodec '. $params['ffmpeg_video_vcodec'];
+ }
+ // is frame size set?
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_video_size']) {
+ $options[] = '-s '. $params[$params['ffmpeg_video_size'] == 'other' ? 'ffmpeg_video_size_other' : 'ffmpeg_video_size'];
+ }
+ // is the bit rate set?
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_video_br']) {
+ $options[] = '-b '. $params['ffmpeg_video_br'];
+ }
+ // is frame rate set?
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_video_fps']) {
+ $options[] = '-r '. $params['ffmpeg_video_fps'];
+ }
+ }
+ // implement truncating
+ if ($params['ffmpeg_time_advanced']) {
+ $options[] = '-t '. $params['ffmpeg_time'];
+ }
+ // add the output file
+ $options[] = "'". $output_file ."'";
+ }
+ $ffmpeg_object->command = implode(" ", $options);
+ // run ffmpeg with error checking
+ if (! $success = ffmpeg_wrapper_run_command($ffmpeg_object->command)) {
+ watchdog('video_render', 'video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $success);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // successful convert, make a note in the log
+ $message = 'FFmpeg converted this file: @file';
+ $message .= '<br />'. 'FFmpeg ran this command: <br /><pre> !command </pre>';
+ $variables = array('@file' => $output_file, '!command' => $ffmpeg_object->command);
+ watchdog('video_render', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
+ $ffmpeg_object->output_file = $output_file;
+ if (!file_exists($output_file) || !filesize($output_file)) {
+ watchdog('video_render', 'video conversion failed. ffmpeg reported the following output: ' . $command_output);
+ // _video_render_set_video_encoded_fid($job->nid, $job->vid, -1);
+ // _video_render_job_change_status($job->nid, $job->vid, VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED);
+ }
+ else {
+ $file_name = basename($output_file);
+ $file = new stdClass();
+ $file->uid = $job->uid;
+ $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
+ $file->filename = basename($file_name);
+ $file->filepath = $output_file;
+ $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file_name);
+ $file->filesize = filesize($output_file);
+ $file->timestamp = time();
+ $job->converted = $file;
+ }