path: root/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/examples/common/pluginobject/plugins/flashmedia.js
diff options
authorHeshan <heshan@heidisoft.com>2011-03-17 12:42:05 +0530
committerHeshan <heshan@heidisoft.com>2011-03-17 12:42:05 +0530
commit87782dfb64baed1715634b08c51a5f2a6d77eebb (patch)
tree2fc2ab08845c7d0c07eb8ed22419e6d8cd45d419 /libraries/phpvideotoolkit/examples/common/pluginobject/plugins/flashmedia.js
parentc2132e3e04247ef8d39540161be895a9ceec63fd (diff)
parent972dd76d32128c6180271e5d10aff89a45f0ae74 (diff)
Merge branch '7.x-1.x' of git.drupal.org:project/video into 7.x-1.x
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/phpvideotoolkit/examples/common/pluginobject/plugins/flashmedia.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/examples/common/pluginobject/plugins/flashmedia.js b/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/examples/common/pluginobject/plugins/flashmedia.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ceb9043..0000000
--- a/libraries/phpvideotoolkit/examples/common/pluginobject/plugins/flashmedia.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// uses http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_FLV_Media_Player
-PO.L.FlashMedia = {
- options:{
- player : 'plugins/flash/mediaplayer.swf',
- auto_fix_path : true, // fixes the src path so it is treated as relative to the html document. only applies if the src url doesn't contain http at the start of the url
- auto_adjust_height : true, // auto adjust the display height so the video fits correctly and if a playlist is used so does that.
- use_type_mapping : true // automagically maps file extensions to specifc types.
- },
-// for more information on the variables you should use this page http://code.longtailvideo.com/trac/wiki/FlashVars#Fileproperties
-// these variables are for v4 of the jw player and above
- variables : {
-// General
- config : null, // (undefined): location of a XML file with flashvars. Useful for short embed codes or CDN stream redirecting. example.
-// File properties
- author : null, // (undefined): author of the video, shown in the display or playlist.
- captions : null, // (undefined): location of a TT captions XML file.
- description : null, // (undefined): text description of the file.
- duration : 0, // (0): duration of the file in seconds.
- file : null, // (undefined): location of the mediafile or playlist to play.
- image : null, // (undefined): location of a preview image; shown in display and playlist.
- link : null, // (undefined): url to an external page the display, controlbar and playlist can link to.
- start : 0, // (0): position in seconds where playback has to start.
- title : null, // (undefined): title of the video, shown in the display or playlist.
- type : null, // (undefined): type of file, can be sound, image, video, youtube, camera, http or rtmp. Use this to override auto-detection.
-// Colors
- backcolor : 'FFFFFF', // (FFFFFF): background color of the controlbar and playlist.
- frontcolor : '000000', // (000000): color of all icons and texts in the controlbar and playlist.
- lightcolor : '000000', // (000000): color of an icon or text when you rollover it with the mouse.
- screencolor : '000000', // (000000): background color of the display.
-// Layout
- controlbar : 'bottom', // (bottom): position of the controlbar. Can be set to bottom, over and none.
- controlbarsize : 20, // (20): height of the controlbar in pixels.
- height : 400, // (400): height of the display (not the entire player!) in pixels.
- logo : null, // (undefined): location of an external jpg,png or gif image to show in the display.
- playlist : 'none', // (none): position of the playlist. Can be set to bottom, over, right or none.
- playlistsize : 180, // (180): size of the playlist. When below or above, this refers to the height, when right, this refers to the width of the playlist.
- skin : null, // (undefined): location of a SWF file with the player graphics.
- width : 280, // (280): width of the display (not the entire player!) in pixels.
-// Playback
- autostart : false, // (false): automatically start the player on load.
- bufferlength : 0.1, // (0.1): number of seconds of the file that has to be loaded before starting.
- displayclick : 'play', // (play): what to do when one clicks the display. Can be play, link, fullscreen, none, mute, next.
- item : 0, // (0): playlistitem that should start to play. Use this to set a specific start-item.
- mute : false, // (false): mute all sounds on startup. Is saved as cookie.
- quality : true, // (true): enables high-quality playback. This sets the smoothing of videos on/off, the deblocking of videos on/off and the dimensions of the camera small/large. Is saved as cookie.
- repeat : 'none', // (none): set to list to play the entire playlist once and to always to continously play the song/video/playlist.
- shuffle : false, // (false): shuffle playback of playlistitems.
- state : 'IDLE', // (IDLE): current playback state of the player (IDLE, BUFFERING, PLAYING, PAUSED, COMPLETED).
- stretching : 'uniform',// (uniform): defines how to resize images in the display. Can be none (no stretching), exactfit (disproportionate), uniform (stretch with black borders) or fill (uniform, but completely fill the display).
- volume : 90, // (90): startup volume of the player. Is saved as cookie.
-// External
- abouttext : null, // (undefined): text to show in the rightclick menu. Please do not change this if you don't have a commercial license! When undefined it shows the player version.
- aboutlink : 'http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?page=about', // (http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?page=about): url to link to from the rightclick menu. Do not change this if you don't have a commercial license!
- client : null, // (Flash MAC X,0,XXX,0): Version and platform of the Flash client plugin. Useful to check for e.g. MP4 playback or fullscreen capabilities.
- id : 'ply', // (ply): ID of the player within the javascript DOM. Useful for javascript interaction.
- linktarget : '_blank', // (_blank): browserframe where the links from display are opened in. Some possibilities are '_self' (same frame) , '_blank' (new browserwindow) or 'none' (links are ignored in the player, so javascript can handle it).
- streamer : null, // (undefined): location of a server to use for streaming. Can be an RTMP application (here's an example) or external PHP/ASP file to use for HTTP streaming. If set to lighttpd, the player presumes a Lighttpd server is used to stream videos.
- tracecall : null // (undefined): name of a javascript function that can be used for tracing the player activity. All events from the view, model and controller are sent there.
- },
- params: {
- allowfullscreen:true
- },
- attributes: {},
- typemap:{
- ut : 'youtube',
- youtube : 'youtube',
- tube : 'youtube',
- mp3 : 'sound',
- m4a : 'sound',
- m4b : 'sound',
- m4p : 'sound',
- m4v : 'sound',
- m4r : 'sound',
- aac : 'sound',
- '3gp' : 'video',
- mp4 : 'video',
- flv : 'video',
- swf : 'video',
- jpg : 'image',
- jpeg: 'image',
- gif : 'image',
- png : 'image',
- mpg : 'video',
- mpeg: 'video'
- },
- create: function(src, o, p)
- {
- var fo = PO.U.merge(PO.L.Flash.options, PO.L.FlashMedia.options), h = document.location.href;
- o = PO.U.merge(o, fo);
- if(o.auto_fix_path && src.indexOf('http') === -1)
- {
- src = h.substr(0, h.lastIndexOf('/')+1) + src;
- }
- var fa = PO.U.merge(PO.L.Flash.attributes, PO.L.FlashMedia.attributes);
- o.attributes = PO.U.merge(o.attributes || {}, fa);
- var fv = PO.U.merge(PO.L.Flash.variables, PO.L.FlashMedia.variables);
- o.variables = PO.U.merge(o.variables || {}, fv);
- o.variables.file = src;
- if(!o.variables.width) o.variables.width = o.width;
- if(!o.variables.height) o.variables.height = o.height;
- if(o.auto_adjust_height)
- {
- o.height += o.variables.controlbarsize;
- if(o.variables.playlist !== 'none')
- {
- o.height += o.variables.playlistsize;
- }
- }
- if(o.use_type_mapping && o.variables.type === null)
- {
- var e = src.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
- if(PO.L.FlashMedia.typemap[e]) o.variables.type = PO.L.FlashMedia.typemap[e];
- }
- for(var a in o.variables)
- {
- if(o.variables[a] === null) delete o.variables[a];
- }
- var fp = PO.U.merge(PO.L.Flash.params, PO.L.FlashMedia.params);
- o.params = PO.U.merge(o.params || {}, PO.L.FlashMedia.params);
- o.bgcolour = o.variables.backcolor;
- if(!o.variables.id) o.variables.id = o.force_id ? o.force_id : 'PluginObject-'+PO.U.hash(8)+'-'+(new Date()).getTime();
- if(o.placeholder && o.placeholder_autoplay) o.variables.autostart = true;
- return PO.L.Flash.create(o.player, o, PO.Plugins.Flash, p);
- }
-PO.Plugins.FlashMedia.loaded = 1; \ No newline at end of file