Drupal colorbox module: ------------------------ Maintainers: Daniƫl Smidt (http://drupal.org/user/198330) Jeremy Trojan (http://drupal.org/user/334965) Requires - Drupal 7 License - GPL (see LICENSE) Overview: -------- Rather than having to manually copy/paste the "Like this on Facebook" code for each piece of content you (or your users) create, this module will automatically add that code to the end of each chosen node type. You are able to add a Like button which likes a given URL (static, e.g. your homepage) or/and put a dynamic Like button on your page to like the page you are actually visiting. Features: --------- The Facebook like button module: * Adds a like button on your site (static) * Add more like buttons to your site (dynamic) * Control the position of the buttons Installation: ------------ Configuration: ------------- Go to "Configuration" -> "FB LIKE BUTTON" to find all the configuration options. Contributions: -------------