* database reading library written in PHP. It's intended for integrating or migrating
* existing ISIS databases into other applications. It is a wrapper around other ISIS
* libraries and tools, providing an uniform interface and iterators for easily fetching
* data without bothering with internals.
* Cinisis works with the following ISIS backend libraries:
* - Biblio::Isis through Perl PECL extension, which is the recommended choice.
* - GNI's Malete.
* - Openisis.
* Both Malete and Openisis support is outdated in favour os Biblio::Isis as it has proven
* to be simpler and more functional.
Installation and usage
* \verbinclude README.txt
* Example
* The following exemple shows how to read a database entry using
* two different ISIS backends:
* \include samples/read.php
// Autoloader.
function cinisis_autoload($class) {
$base = dirname(__FILE__) .'/';
if (strstr($class, 'Db')) {
$file = 'classes/backends/'. $class .'.php';
elseif (strstr($class, 'Iterator')) {
$file = 'classes/iterators/'. $class .'.php';
elseif (strstr($class, 'Helper')) {
$file = 'classes/helpers/'. $class .'.php';
else {
$file = 'classes/'. $class .'.php';
if (file_exists($base . $file)) {
require_once $base . $file;
// Register autoloader.