IsisSubfieldIterator Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($class, $field, $main=false)
 rewind ()
 key ()
 current ()
 next ()
 valid ()

Detailed Description

Isis subfield iterator. Iterates over subfields for each result row.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IsisSubfieldIterator::__construct ( class,
main = false 


$class Instance of IsisConnector or child class.
$field Field to iterate over.
$main Control to which subfield the main field should be mapped to. By default no mapping is made.

Member Function Documentation

IsisSubfieldIterator::current (  ) 

Return the current element.

IsisSubfieldIterator::key (  ) 

Return the key of the current element.

IsisSubfieldIterator::next (  ) 

Move forward to next element.

IsisSubfieldIterator::rewind (  ) 

Rewind the Iterator to the first element.

IsisSubfieldIterator::valid (  ) 

Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().

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